Chapter 1

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Brite woke up feeling groggy and cold.
Ugh where am I? She thought to herself. She creeked her eyes open a bit not seeing anything but darkness. She felt something warm against her, it was moving slightly but not much. She looked over moving her head to see a male figure laying beside her playing video games, It was Drift. She realized how she was attached to him wrapping her arms and legs around him, her head was also in his shoulder. She wanted to move, she found it so awkward "cuddling" or anything like that with her best friend.

She shifted to see what he was playing and watched him for a bit. She felt awkward but relaxed at the same time, besides wherever she was, it was freezing. She began to fall asleep again but the sound of a game console turning off woke her up. Drift was going to sleep.
HE'S NOT JUST GONNA SLEEP BESIDE ME IS HE?! She thought feeling him shift a bit getting comfortable. He looked over his shoulder, Brite quickly shut her eyes pretending to sleep. Drift (being a boy) fell for it and went to sleep.

A couple minutes past. Bomber couldn't sleep, she was at war with herself.
Your his friend why are you clinged onto him?
It's cold
Find a damn blanket
You just saying that cause you want some a dat
Admit it
Admit something not true?
What are you stupid? Everyone knows you have feelings for him after what happened
(Later chapter)
I DO NOT! Even if I did I wouldn't admit it
So you do like him?
See what I mean? lol

She finally decided to unwrap herself from him and she went on her phone. Drift woke up to the sound of tapping and beeps. He looked over to see Bomber on her phone trying to get service. He pretended to stay asleep, but he flinched. And knowing Bomber, she didn't fall for it. She gave up trying to get service.
"Screw it, I'm too tired". she whispered to herself. She laid back down curling into Drift again. Drift felt her arms wrap around him, he smiled slightly.

He rolled over still pretending to sleep. Bomber slightly opened one eye to be shocked by how close he was. Drift opened his eyes a bit and Brite quickly shut hers.
Crap crap crap I'm busted! She thought to herself. Drift moved closer and closer. Bomber could feel him moving, she was a little scared, she could feel him breathing. He leaned in very close to her
"Hey". he whispered. Brite slowly opened her eyes
"Hi.." she croaked.
"Why are you here?" He asked. She frowned
"Thanks, love ya too!" She said sarcastically.
"Sorry". He blushed.
"But do you know where we are?" He asked in his confusion. She looked around the room as much as she could from her position, but it was too dark.
"No, but I think it's like 2 in the morning". She responded, yawning, just as confused as him.
"Ok, but why are you clinged onto me?" He asked smirking. She was glad the room was dark so he couldn't see her face burn up
"I uh..." she fumbled.
"By the looks of it, you were tired and cold, so your using me as a pillow". He smiled raising a brow. Bomber felt embarrassed and lowered her head.
"Maybe. heh heh, please don't hold this against me". She groaned. "Hmm I don't know you are REALLY close". He smirked playfully.
"You're just as cold as me dumbass, besides your close too". She snapped.
"Ok ok jeez". He laughed.
"Do you want me to get up and see if there's something to drink or eat?" He asked softly. Brite felt bad for snapping,
"I am a little thirsty". She added quietly.
"I'll get you some water I'll be right back". He said sliding off the couch and disappearing into the darkness of the room.

Wow chapter one! I know it's really short but I like to keep them that way. I always love feedback but only positive no negativity please :)

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