Chapter 4

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Sorry it's been forever since I've updated. Summer break gets real busy. I'm planning on making chapters longer from now on. ENJOY!

Bri sat down at the island finishing of her last bit of breakfast.
"Damn Drift, you know how to make a great breakfast". She said getting up and putting her dish in the dishwasher.
"Well, thank you. Only the best for my best friend". He said coughing saying friend.
"It's still weird I don't know where we are, even with it being light out I don't know even where on the map we are". Bri said changing the subject.
"Well you were looking outside weren't you?" He asked.
"Oh yeah, there's a barrier". She said blankly.
"WHAT!" Drift shouted.
"That could've been useful to know before".
"Sorry I was just enjoying my food that I forgot to tell you". She said defending herself.
"So that's why you yelped?" He said looking out onto the deck she was standing on.
"Are you ok? Are you hurt?". He asked walking over.
"No I'm ok, I promise we've been through worse...remember?" She said bringing one of her hands to her upper arm looking almost scared.
"Yes but that won't ever happen again, it's gone and it won't ever come back". He said hugging her.
"Ew stop getting so mushy". She sneered pushing him off.
"Aw but you love hugs". He said teasingly.
"Um no, I don't". She huffed crossing her arms.
"Oh yeah?" He smirked. He picked her up by her waist and squeezed her tightly. "AH, DRIFT PUT ME DOWN!" She demanded squirming in his arms.
"Ah ah ah. Ask nicely, and maybe I will". He said smugly swinging her around. "DRIFT!" She yelled.
"Fine, you leave me no choice". He said throwing her over his shoulder and walking to the couch. He then threw her on it.
"I actually hate you". She glared.
"No you don't". He said not caring.
"YES I DO!" She protested.
"Prove it". He smirking from the corner of his eye.
"I...I uh..I um". She said thinking.
"Anytime now". He said leaning over.
"SHUT UP! Give me a sec". She said blushing trying to think.
"Mhmm, take all the time you need". He said wrapping his arms around her. "DRIFT STOP! I GOTTA THINK!" She giggled.
"Doesn't sound like it". He laughed starting to tickle her.
"HA HA, AH STOOOP AH YOU KNOW IM TICKLISH, DRIFT!" She laughed "But you haven't told me why you hate me yet?" He laughed, him falling backwards. Bri took advantage and pulled his arms away and threw him on the ground. Her landing on top of him.

Suspense lol

Brite groaned not landing the way she wanted.
"OH MY GOD!" She said frozen.
"Um Bri, do ya wanna move?" Drift asked lying there on the ground moving around.
"I I". She fumbled and blushed heavily. Drift and her just sat there for a bit staring at each other, which didn't help Drift. Drift began to get weird feelings and needed her to move before she noticed, it didn't help where she was sitting.
"Hey Brite, why aren't you moving?" He said moving his hands behind his head getting comfortable. Bri came out of her daze of horror and stared blankly at the boy.
"What do mean?" She said moving her arms.
LI did move". She huffed.
"That's not what I meant". He said raising a brow. Brite's eyes widened.
"Why should I move you seem comfortable, and from what I just felt...excited". She crossed her arms. Drift jolted up.
"I UH!"
"Mhmm, what happened with that Lynx stupid ass bitch. I thought she's the only one who gave you these?" She questioned.
"You think I have no standards?! That girls a slut I-"
"OOH, so I'm up to your standards eh?" She smiled slyly, still sitting on the teens lap.
"What no, I mean yes. BUT your my best friend and no I don't like you like that". Drift lied, stumbling.
"Whatever". She laughed rolling her eyes. Drift felt bad not telling her, though he felt he makes it almost obvious.
"Ok I'm gonna get off you now, I think I should go wash up and I'll let your...lower region calm down". She said awkwardly laughing a bit. Drift laughed and covered himself with his arms.
AH SHIT. I am not having this problem again. He thought.

Brite walked down the hallway. The house was very modern and open. She walked down further to see multiple doors. She had a very big curiosity so she looked in each one. There were plenty of bedrooms with there own bathroom and closet. At the end of the hall was a little reading nook what it looked like. Brite entered one of the bedrooms and searched through the closet and she came upon some more comfortable clothes. She went to the bathroom and turned the shower on. She got undressed and hopped in, not expecting it to be so hot.

Drift became bored. He decided to go and adventure himself. He walked down the hallway Bri had taken, and he came upon the bedroom Bri had already made a mess of. He walked in and sat on the bed, checking through his phone. He heard the water stop. "No Drift do not get any ideas". He said to himself. Bri got out of the shower and brushed through her hair. She got dressed into some purple soft shorts and a fluffy pink cropped sweater. She unlocked the door and started to put her hair up. Drift's jawed dropped a bit when he saw the girl come out of the bathroom. Bri froze to see the blonde lying on the bed staring at her, once again. "Um Drift? You ok?" She asked fixing her ponytail. ACT NATURAL. He said to himself. "Hey there girly, how you doing? Ya like jazz?" He asked. His facial expression looked like he actually said 'Help me god, a beautiful girl is in front of me and I feel my boner returning'. "Um soaking wet? And no.. I don't like jazz". She replied shaking her heading letting the water from her hair go everywhere. "Heh". He laughed. Bri looked around the room, it was quite beautiful. The sky lights gave a nice touch. "YO TV IN A BEDROOM?! I call it!" Drift said grabbing the remote. "You are such a 12 year old". She said flopping beside him, her head resting on his stomach watching TV with him. Bri began to get a weird feeling, an odd one. She'd never had it before. She moved a little closer, allowing Drift to put his arm around her. She grabbed his hand and intertwined her finger with his. "Oh yeah, I'm the one being weird". He laughed pulling her in more. "Aw shut up". She said moving her head to look at him. "Wanna watch Stranger Things?" He asked flipping through Netflix. "I thought you just wanted to chill?" She asked. "We can do both if you want". He winked. "DRIFT!" She yelled laughing. "Ok ok". He backed off. Brite nudged in a bit and watched the show in peace.

A few hours went past of binge watching Stranger Things. Brite had fallen asleep, and Drift couldn't stop thinking about the barrier around the house they were in. Every window he'd looked out led nowhere just desert, except for the ocean underneath the deck. Drift nudged Brite trying to see if she'd wake up, but she was sound asleep. "Well I guess I am tired too". He thought aloud. He shifted getting comfortable and began to sleep.

"Hey you!"

"Pretty boy!"

"Remember me?"

"Yeah I'm back!" A voice called out in the darkness. "Aw, is little baby girl Bomber not here? Guess she's off being torn apart again. Looks like I'll get to have some fun". The dark voice loomed in Drifts head. Drift opened his eyes to find him self back at Loot Lake, with the giant floating island. "What the-" "Ah Drift, So nice of you to join us back in season 6. I already knew you'd want to come back here, I made it the best part". Said a pale, tall, goth-like version of Drift. "How the, Samctum. How the hell are you back?" Drift glared. "Oh Drift, your so...stupid sometimes". The vampire laughed. "If I'm stupid then you are to". Drift sneered. "Watch your mouth! Or what happened to you and me will happen to your little 'Brite light' over there". Sanctum said pointing to the island, where Brite was hanging on to the side for life. "BRIIITE!" Drift screamed running towards the cube that was holding up the floating house. "That won't help anything Drift, you can't save her this time". The vamp smiled sinisterly. "What have you done?!" He questioned grabbing the vamps throat. "What you told me to. I am you after all". The vampire laughed. Drift began to scream and the vampires laugh grew louder.

Drift woke up in tears. He shot up, Brite still in his lap. She was all curled up with a blanket. "Brite, Brite". Drift tapped her cheek lightly. "Mmm, yeah Drift?" She mumbled still half asleep. Drift thought she was the cutest thing when she slept, she was almost like a child. So peaceful. "Are you comfortable? do you need anything?" He asked softly. " but what's wrong with your eyes?" She said staring right up at him. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Your eyes, they're red". She said falling back asleep in his lap.

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