Chapter 7

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Hello everyone! I'm here to inform you still really busy😐 BUT I know how much everyone is enjoying the book and I'm trying to improve my writing skills. Plus people want smut but I'm sorry I can only do a build up. Enjoy another flashback chapter! ~ Sail♦️

"OW CUDDLES! CUT IT OUT!" Brite yelled. "I just have to make it look perfect". Cuddles squinted pulling Brite's hair a little tighter. "Annnnnd...Done". She said cheerfully putting her hands on her hips. "Why the hell do I have to wear this dumbass dress anyways?" Bri asked unimpressed by her outfit. She was wearing a short pastel pink dress with her unicorn llama logo on the front. Light purple high tops and her hair was in a braided bun. "You look amazing girl besides, I know you wanna impress 'you know who'". Cuddles giggled. "WOULD YOU SHUT UP ABOUT THAT! I don't like Drift we've been friends for like...ever". Brite argued. "K everyone can see how you guys act around each other. It's no secret". Cuddles winked fixing her outfit and heading to the door. "Also remember Bri, don't let anyone see those marks by your eyes". Cuddles warned leaving and shutting the door.
Brite stared at were the streaks were usually visible but now they were covered with foundation and powder. Brite sighed and walked out of her room.

Drift, Rex and Cuddles were all waiting downstairs. "Hey Bri could you hurry up". Drift called from the bottom of the stairs. Brite slid down the railing and landed beside him. "That fast enough Pietro?" She laughed walking past him. "You ready? By the way you look amazing". Rex said eyeing her. "Yes I'm ready, are you ready to stop staring at my legs". She asked. Rex blushed and backed up. Drift couldn't help but glare at Rex on the way out. Fucking hate that guy. Drift thought to himself. Rex gave a mutual glare and got in the ATK. "So where exactly is this party?" Brite asked hoping into the passengers seat. "Wick's house". Drift said starting the vehicle. "Really that guy still hosts parties after the whole 'assassin' thing?" Cuddles asked leaning against the back of the cart. "Yeah. He's a pretty chill guy actually". Drift said passing by Retail. "Well yeah because he's like 'the leader of the super heroes' to you". Cuddles air quoted. He laughed. Brite kept dropping out of the conversation to just look around at the scenery to clear her head. Her emotions and thoughts were all over the place. She couldn't get over the fact of what Cuddles said about Drift. She knew they were just friends and they had been like that for a long time. But she couldn't scratch the feeling that he never became brother-like. Every other guy she had be in a relationship with had been like a brother. She thought about this long enough that when she snapped out of her daze they were at Wicks house. "Bri!" Drift called already out of the ATK. "You coming?" He asked waiting as Rex and Cuddles entered the house. "Yeah, just lost in thought I guess". She said hoping out. When they reached the door, the house was packed. Cuddles and Rex had already huddled up with there friends. "Drift! Brite! Wazzup guys?!" Raptor called wrapping both of them in a hug. "Raptor, my man!" Drift said fist bumping him. "Hey Raps. Velocity with ya tonight?" Brite asked looking around. "Yeah she's over with Bubble B if you wanna go hang out with em". He said pointing to the patio. "Thanks Raps". She said walking off. Drift watched her walk away until Raptor jumped in front of his face. "Ok Drift, when are you going to tell her? You can't keep doing this to yourself. Plus that Rex guy seems like he might take her". Raptor said walking with his friend. "Look Raptor I will tell her, at some point. And Rex has no chance. It seems like she hates him anyways". Drift said grabbing a drink. "I thought he was with Cuddles anyways". Raptor said looking at the two furries hanging with Tricera Ops and Dipulodopolous (😂). "Fucking play boy, remember what happened with Jungle Scout?" Drift asked chugging down his drink and grabbing another. "Yeah. I don't want that happening to Bri". Raptor said in a concerned tone. "Look Drift, why don't you just tell her tonight? It's a gorgeous night and she's a gorgeous girl. Plus you guys have known each for 5 seasons now. At least try". He pleaded. "Ok Raptor, I'll try". Drift said walking off. "Also Raptor don't drink to much. Remember what happened last time?" Drift said walking over to Carbide. "It was only one B.R.U.T.E". Raptor muttered to himself.

"Hey Drift!" Bri said enthusiastically. "Hey, what's up?" Drift asked turning around. "I just wanted to know if you um...wanted to dance? Y'know for fun?" She asked nervously. "Of course". He smiled. He took her hand and walked over to the centre of the room where everyone was dancing. She put her hands on his shoulders and he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Did I mention you look amazing tonight?" Drift said softly in her ear. Brite giggled. "Thank you Drift. You look rather handsome tonight as well". She smiled warmly. "Brite is everything ok with you eyes?" Drift asked. Brite froze. "Yeah probably a makeup smudge I'll go fix it". She said walking away. "Ok. Don't be to long". He called after her.

Brite brought extra makeup if this happened. She had finished her makeup when Rex came around the corner. "Hey Goregous". Rex smirked leaning against the door. "Hey Asshat, you've got 5 seconds to take that comment back before I sucker punch you". She snapped putting her makeup back in her bag. "I'm sorry I'm sorry. Look I just wanted to go for a walk". Rex said apologetically. "Mm ok?" She wondered. She and Rex were walking out the door and Drift spotted them and decided to follow. Rex and Brite had just walked along the shoreline. "Nice night eh?" She said looking at the stars. "Yeah.." Rex trailed off. Brite found a grassy part not far from the house and decided to sit down. Drift watched not that far away in a nearby bush. "Look Rex I'm sorry for snapping at you today". She said sincerely. "It's fine Bri. But there is another way you can apologize". He said leaning. "Yeah?" She asked. "You can try not to scream to loud". Rex smirked throwing a smoke bomb. He covered her mouth in a cloth and dragged her to a little wooden hut. He removed the cloth and she began screaming at him. "WHAT THE FUCK REX?!" She yelled. "Ah ah. Scream and you die". He said aiming a gun to her head. She gulped. "Thats it. Now be a good girl and take off that dress would ya?" He said pushing her on the bed. Her eyes widened in fear as he began removing his clothes. "DO IT!" He demanded slamming his fist against the bed board. Bri began taking off her dress till she was just in her underwear. "Now show me a little more baby girl". Rex licked his lips. Just then Drift broke down the door. He went straight for Rex. Grabbed him by the throat and dug his nails in. "Listen to me you mother fucker. Mark my words! YOU GO NEAR HER AGAIN AND I SWEAR THERE'LL BE A BULLET IN EVERY INCH OF YOUR BODY!" He shouted drawing blood from Rex's throat. Drifts eyes began glowing a bright pink and electricity started forming around him. Rexes vision became blurry and he passed out. Drift threw him on the grown and ran back to Brite who was now in tears. "Hey, hey. Bri it's ok I'm here. I'm here". Drift said checking for any marks. All she could do was cry. He helped her back into her dress and wrapped her into a tight hug. "Shhh. I won't let anything happen to you ok". He reassured her. " D..Drif...ft". She coughed over her tears. She balled into his shoulder. "Bri look at me". Drift said tilting her head up, his eyes still glowing. She looked realizing the cracks around her eyes were now completely visible. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked softly. She let her head sink. "Brite there's nothing to be ashamed of. You look more beautiful with them". He smiled warmly. She gave a weak smile and sighed into his hug.

When they finally left the wooden hut, they went straight to the ATK. "Hey! guys! Where you going?" Cuddles called out to them. "Tell your play boy of a boyfriend to stay away from me and Bri for as long as he lives". Drift glared driving away. Cuddles only gave a shocked and confused look. "Do you want me to take you back to your place?" Drift asked softly, Bri still sniffling from the incendient. "No..I wanna stay with you". She stuttered, her voice cracking a bit. "Alright". He said facing the road again. When they arrived at his house, Drift picked Brite up and carried her inside and placed her on the couch. "I'll be right back". He said handing her a blanket. "Ok". She whispered wrapping it around her. Drift returned wearing his normal clothes, carrying a sweater and two slurps for them. "Here". He said handing her the sweater. She put it on and fixed her hair. "Feels good to be out of that tux". He laughed. She smiled lightly. He gave her another hug and tried to get up, but she stopped him. "No stay. I..want you to lay with me". She said nervously. "Ok". He nodded. He sat back on the couch and gently laid himself beside her. Brite kept ahold of his hand and fell asleep. Drift looked down at the sleeping teen and gave her a small kiss on her temple. "G'night Brite light". He whispered before falling asleep himself.

"Alright Elmira, They're asleep meet me at Salty Springs in 5. Time to make these mother fuckers hallucinate like hell"...


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