Chapter 5

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Hey Everyone! This is the chapter you've all wanted really badly and I'm sorry for making you wait, I've been busy. Ok enough talking, ENJOY!

Drift blinked firmly not believing what Brite had said. "No, they can't be red, not again". He said. He gently moved her of his lap and went out of the room, closing the door. Drift knew what was happening. That wasn't a dream that he had, it was a vision. A way that Sanctum, his alter ego, was communicating with him. Drift walked to the bedroom just a couple doors down and looked in the mirror. "Aw shit, the are red". He glared at himself. "And I am kinda pale. But still shredded as usual". He said flexing in the mirror trying to make himself feel better. "Why the hell am I even trying? He's after Brite. And I'm to blame". He said looking at himself in the mirror. Drift rubbed his fingers through his hair thinking hard about what to do.

After a good 10 minutes, he went to check on Brite. He knocked on her door. "You don't have to knock stupid!" Brite yelled from inside. "Well what if you were undressed?" He asked entering. "You'd like that wouldn't you?" She smirked. "Fuck you". He laughed. "You'd also like that". She snorted. "K actually shut up!" Drift laughed sitting beside her. "Ok enough joking around, Brite I need to tell you something". Drift said looking her straight in the eye. "Your scaring me, Drift is everything ok?" Bomber asked concerned. "No, everything is not ok. Sanctum is back and he's going to go after you". Drift responded grabbing her hands. "But Drift, how do you know this?" She asked. "I had a vision, Well a dream about it. And when I woke up and you said my eyes were red, I knew it was true". Drift lowered his head. "Drift, it's ok. We've been through something like this before, it's not your fault". She said lifting his chin up. "But what if he does something to you?" Drift asked, his red eyes tearing up. "Hey, hey, that's never gonna happen". Brite said, wiping his tear. "Drift nothing will happen ok, besides it's your body, and I beat you up all the time". She laughed. Drift looked at her and smiled. "I know Brite, but if anything happens to you I take full blame-" "Why it's that vamp creep controlling you". She cut him off. "He is me". Drift said his eyes glowing. "Right. but still, it's not you". She said. "I guess, I'm gonna go get something to drink you need anything?" Drift asked getting off the bed. "No I'm ok thank you". She said. "Oh Drift". She said getting off the bed and running up to him. "Yeah Bomber?" He asked turning around. She reached up and gave him a kiss. "If anything happens, I still love you". She said blushing. "I love you too, Brite light". He winked.

Drift walked to the kitchen when he got a horrible pain in his mouth. "ARGH!" He yelped. He fell to the floor clenching his fists in pain. His teeth were becoming larger, a bit of blood seeped from them. His skin went completely pale. His hair flopped and turned white and purple. He laid on the floor, groaning in pain. His muscles increased in size and he felt his senses become heightened.

Brite heard a large thud and she went to examen what happened. She walked down the hallway hearing groans of pain. When she entered the kitchen the groaning had stopped and Drift was standing on the opposite side of the room not facing her. "Drift are you ok? I heard a thud and groaning?" She asked walking to him. She got no response. "Drift? Drift?" She asked touching his shoulder. "Oh hello Brite". He grinned turning around. Brite shrieked in fear to see her best friend, had now become her worst nightmare. Drift tried to grab her but she jumped out of his reach. She then threw a punch at his face to slow him down. Brite ran down the hallway and into the bedroom hiding in fear.

Brite slammed the door. "Ok, this has happened before, you can deal with him". She reassured herself in a whisper holding the door. "Bri, baby girl come out. It's me there's nothing to be scared of". Drift called out. Bri grabbed a hand canon that was lying on a table next to her. She opened the door slowly. Drift shifted his head to see the door open. "Got ya". He grinned. Bri stood in the room aiming the gun for when he walked in. She was sweating and her heartbeat made a thud in her ears. Drift entered the room to see a frightened Brite Bomber standing in the middle of room aiming a gun at his head. "Woah Brite, there's no need for that". The teen said approaching slowly. "Your not Drift, Sanctum. Give me him back". Brite demanded, glaring holding the trigger. "Don't get ahead of yourself beautiful, you pull that trigger you kill him too". He said getting even closer. "So what do I do just stand here?" She asked, hiding her nervousness. "No". He said his eyes glowing red. He came even closer pressing her against the wall. "You can give in". He whispered in her ear.
"Never. Not to you". She glared. She couldn't move, she was scared. For the first time since season 6 she was scared. "Aw why not?" The vampire asked, moving his hand down her body. "Why do you think dickhead?" She snapped grabbing his hand. "Ouch someone's feisty". He smirked. "Well I haven't done anything to you, and yet you treat me like dirt. Why is that so?" He asked removing his mask. "Drift told me your after me". She said. "Didn't you know? Drift and I are the same person. I'm just MORE his darker side". He said still hovering over her. "Then why are doing this?" She asked. "Because I know Drift wanted to do this". He replied. He leaned in and pressed his lips on hers. Brite tried to force herself away, but she couldn't. She gave in and kissed back. After a few minutes she became more passionate and wrapped her arms around him. He began to move from her lips to her neck. Brite's breathing became heavy and she had a slight feeling of lust, but she let it go. He continued for a couple minutes enjoying it as she did. He then bit her neck. Brite let out a slight moan. Drift then regained his colour and his eyes went back to golden. His hair went back to the normal blonde and he became slightly weaker feeling. He stopped kissing her and he fell to the floor in front of Brite.

What do you guys think happened? Also what do you think Brite is thinking right now? I hope you all enjoyed! :)

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