Chapter 9

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For those who wanted spice. Well I guess you kinda got it.

Darkness. That was all that filled anyone's mind. BRITE had a feeling like she had been falling for days. Floating out into the universe. She tried to cry out. But when she tried, no one was there but her echoing voice. She thought she was in a coma, or worse. Dead. She couldn't be though, she had just experienced so much in such a little time. But now here she was, losing her mind in the emptiness that was The End.

A small blue circle began to form in her vision. She squinted her eyes to get a better look. She was floating towards it. Slowly she began to move her limbs, pushing herself towards it. The light became brighter she was able to move better the closer she got to it. Approaching the light she saw Drift. She wanted to call out to him. But she couldn't move her mouth. He then got sucked into the light. Brite's head was spinning.
"I can't do this. You're dead Bri. Accept it". She thought.
"No. You're not". A voice rung through her head. It sounded like Drift. She opened her eyes to find herself back on the battle bus.
"What the?" She stated blankly. She looked around see new people, a lot of defaults, and a whole new island. She jumped to the feeling of someone poke her side.
"Brite?" Drift asked.
"DRIFT!" She exclaimed with joy hugging him.
"Geez, didn't know you needed to see me that soon". He laughed.
"It felt like, I was dead. I thought you, we, everyone-"
"I know. But I'm here now, everyone else is too. Now how about we jump and go somewhere else?" He reassured her. Brite got an idea and her stomach twisted.
"I'd like that". She said leaning in her seat. Drift grabbed her hand pulling her into his chest and launched them both out of the bus. To their surprise, the map was blank.
"Uhhh". Drift said deploying his glider early. Bri did the same.
"Um, how about we just guess?" She said diving back down. He rolled his eyes. The two of them dove straight down, deploying the gliders with a swoosh. The grass and trees around them turned from them as they zipped past the ground beneath them.
"Over there!" Brite said pointing to an island in the middle of the map. The two of them landed and something appeared on their maps.

New location: Eye land

"Huh. That's new". She stated.
"Let's look around shall we?" He asked, she nodded. They entered the cottages. It was nice and cozy, reminded Bri of wailing woods. She thought about trying to look for their friends but dropped the idea when another one-the same one from earlier, returned.
"Bri, you ok?" Drift asked from behind her. She turned around her eyes dark. Not from the cube, not from dark bomber, this was something else. She looked at him straight in the eyes. Drift made no hesitation grabbing her and carrying her upstairs.

He reached a room which looked like a bedroom. He walked to the bed placed her on it. He had no time to react before Brite had ripped his mask off and forced a passionate kiss on his lips. It began simple, but after a few moments it was lustful. They could feel each others hunger. Bri crawled further onto the bed, pulling Drift by his shirt.
"I thought we were just friends". Drift said catching his breath, helping her remove his shirt.
"A girl can change her mind". She said gasping, sliding her hands down his toned chest and abs.
"Well that was fast". He smirked, pushing her arms above her head. She groaned locking lips with him again. She slipped one off her hands out of his grasp and started playing with the waistband of his pants.
"You sure?" He asked slipping his hand under her shirt.
"Yes". She whispered.

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