Chapter 2

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Brite laid in the couch curled up and freezing. She saw a light flash in the nearby hallway. Drift had returned with a blanket wrapped around his arm, a flashlight and one hand, and a glass of water in the other. Brite sat up and curl into her knees.
"Here you go". Drift said softly passing the glass to her.
"Thank you". She quietly responded.
"Oh, while you were up did you find out where we are?" She said after taking a drink.
"I found a house number on some mail that was on the counter. We are in some new location that I've never been to before". He stated sitting beside here.
"HA!" She blurted out finishing her water.
"I've been here forever and I don't know where we are, I thought this was your new house or something". She said placing the cup down.

She laid back and pulled the blanket over getting comfortable. Drift looked around and found a lamp, He turned it on giving the room some light.
"No, I don't live here". He said, seeing that the room had no windows. Brite cringed at the light.
"Well I dont live here either". She stated. Drift looked her straight in the eye.
"Do you think we're in someone else's house?" He said with a horrified look. Brite patted the spot beside her on the couch, wanting him to sit.
"But how? Why would we be at someone else's house, you were playing video games so I assumed it was your house". She said.
"No I don't have video games at my place, YET". He said making 'yet' the important part.
"Now that there's light I'm going to go look for stuff for us to sleep with". He said waving As he walked away. She laughed lightly pulling the blanket around her. "Is it just me or is it colder than usual in this house?" She murmured to herself.

What is going on with him, sure we don't know where we are, or how we got here, but that doesn't mean that I'm a different person. Then again he is being really nice, and I might be able to get something out of him.
Oh my god, I just admitted it.
Well he doesn't know that.
He will.
Soon enough.

Drift came back with pillows, blankets and food. When he got there he sat closer to Bri than usual. She smiled to herself at the feeling of his body heat against her. "Oh, um here's the food, if you want it". He said.
"I think it's expired". She laughed.
"Oh whoops". He laughed, hiding his face starting to blush.
"HA, good thing I'm not hungry!" She laughed, noticing him hide.
"Hey, everything ok?" She said tilting her head to make eye contact.
"Yes everything's fine". He quickly responded nudging a bit closer feeling her warmth against his body.
"Ok..." She smirked noticing him look away. Boys. She thought rolling her eyes. Drift saw her roll her eyes and wanted to piss her off. He laid back all the way, completely flat on the couch.
"Comfortable?" She giggled. Drift looked around and remembered that they were alone, in a dark room, with no way out. He turned around to stare at her and smirked.
"Very". He said looking her up and down.
"What are you doing?" She said uncomfortably. He stopped smirking.
"I um, I just...". He stammered.
"Mhmm that's what I thought". She laughed seeing him get embarrassed as she just ruined his 'little trick'. Drift sat back up, the two of them blushed heavily.
Drift pulled out his phone and started checking a bunch of stuff trying to stop him from thinking about her.
"Whatcha doin'?" She asked looking over his shoulder.
"Checking Instagram, Tik Tok, Discord". He laughed his blush fading. She sat next to him leaning on the back of the couch. Drift put his phone in his pocket and laughed slightly.
"What's so funny?" Asked Bri leaning forward.
"The fact that we're stuck here, together, alone". Her said hiding what was really funny. It wasn't so much funny, it was him hiding how much he wanted her at the moment. Bri was wearing one of her more comfortable outfits, Knee high pink socks, fluffy purple shorts and her normal shirt with a llama yet this time is was cropped short. In Drifts eyes she looked super cute. He loved everything about her, she was fun and loving yet she was a badass and a bitch when she wanted to be.
"I don't think that's what's really funny Drift, I know you better than that". She smiled raising a brow. Drift looked surprised.
"Wow you must catch on fast then". He said. Bri leaned over him.
"I am a fast learner". She smirked.
"I know that". He chuckled pulling his dust mask up a bit to hide the blush returning. Bri went red moving back to where she was sitting. Drift saw her blush and he moved over away from her, feeling almost bad. Bri hid her face. "We should get some sleep". She suggested wrapping a blanket around her.
"Yes good idea, but one question". He said.
"That is?" She asked.
"Need a snuggle buddy?" He winked laughing. Bri scoffed,
"WHAT NO! I just need something to keep me warm IT'S FREEZING IN HERE!" She snapped.
"It's not even winter yet this house or wherever we are feels like Antarctica". She said curling into a ball.
"You think your cold, I've been up looking for the blankets and pillows". He said pulling a pillow from the floor.
"It's so cold in here I need something to keep me warm for the next-" Brite cut him off throwing a blanket over his head.
"AH shut up ya big baby, and stop complaining". She laughed. He pulled the blanket of his head, and he looked very unimpressed.
"HA HA, very funny". He said throwing the blanket over his legs.
"You'll be warm enough?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'll be fine unlike you". She laughed.
"Good night". She said closing her eyes falling asleep.
"Good night... beautiful". He said laying his head down, drifting off to sleep.

Yay chapter 2 is done! Next chapter gets even spicier ;) Hope you guys are enjoying so far LET ME KNOW! :)

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