Chapter 3

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*9 hours later*

Drift yawned sitting up.
"Woo hoo, we made it through the night without dying from the cold". He laughed still sounding half asleep. He looked down to see a peaceful Brite Bomber curled up, her head resting on his legs, sleeping. Bri began to groan from the light shining on her face. Drift stroked her hair.
"Good morning". He said, his fingers running through her soft pink hair. "Er...wha...". She groaned still asleep.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to do this but you leave me no choice". He said smirking, taking in a large breath.
"YOU HAVE OFFICIALLY MADE ME LOSE MY MARBLES!" He yelled. "AAAHHH!" Bri screamed whipping upwards her eyes jolting open.
"Ow...". She groaned lying back down holding her neck.
"You ok?" He asked laughing lightly to her reaction.
"What? Yes I'm fine it's just whiplash but WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" She questioned fixing her hair.
"You were sleeping-"
"So what?" She asked cutting him off.
"...On my lap". He finished. Brite's expression changed completely from those words.
"Well I'm up now! how was your sleep? mine was good! Wow, is it hot in here or is it just me?" She rambled on in embarrassment.
"Um, I think it's just you". He laughed noticing her face burn up again.
Shit. I hate that I do that. She thought.

"Well what, do you not like me sleeping?" She huffed trying to get out of her embarrassment.
"You were sleeping on me, I did it for your sake". He said raising a brow.
"For my sake eh? So ya liked it?" She smirked sitting up again.
"WHAT?! No!" He objected. Bri raised an eyebrow.
"K, maybe a little". He murmured, looking anywhere but her. Bri could feel her smile grow, she wanted to laugh so bad.
Ever since that day I've wanted to tell him how I feel. I think it's obvious. But I don't know if he can see it. I have to show him at some point. Besides, we're stuck here, alone. I could make it happen. Then again I don't want another Dark Bomber situation. She thought. Drift looked back at her, not realizing how red he was, even from under his black mask.
"Uh um, you hungry? Or thirsty?" He asked rubbing his head getting up.
"UGH I'm gonna regret this, but I NEED FOOD!" She pleaded.
"Ok your majesty, anything for you". He said, still blushing hard.
"CHERRY FACE!" She laughed.
"Shut up! What do you want to eat?" He asked embarrassed, walking into the room next to them which looked like a kitchen.
"Get me something gourmet and an iced frappé please". She teased with a British accent.
"Bacon and eggs it is!" Drift said looking in the fridge. She laughed.

She wrapped one of the blankets around herself and decided to help him. She walking into the kitchen, which was huge. It was modern with new appliances. The countertop was black and white marble and the backsplash tiles matched with it. There was sky lights and a giant bay window, leading to a deck looking over the water.
"Look who's out of bed". He said grabbing utensils from the cabinet. She walked over and wrapped her arms around his stomach.
"Yeah, I'm still tired though". She mumbled, her head resting on his shoulder. "Look, you help me make breakfast and I'll find you somewhere comfortable to sleep without me taking up half the couch". He said pulling her into a hug. He loved how connected they were to each other, he cared about her so much. He would do anything for her.
"No, I want you there". She said.
"...really...?" He asked letting go.
"Well yeah, it's cold". She said her eyes widening.
"Oh ok". He smiled slyly.
"Just, tell me when breakfast is done". She said walking towards the deck. She opened the door and stepped outside. There was a nice summer breeze that flew past her, it sent a chill up her body. She closed her eyes and breathed in.
"What a nice day". She said leaning over to see the water. She looked to the sides of the house to only see wooded areas. She went to take a closer look when she got a huge shock, from the air.
What The Fuck?! She thought.
"OW!" She yelped. She went to reach her hand out to touch where she tried to lean, and got another shock.
"DAMN IT! I think there's a barrier". She thought aloud.
"Breakfast is done Bright Light". Drift called from inside.
"Coming!" She said coming inside.

"I heard you yell, are you ok?" He asked handing her a plate of food.
"Yes I just got a, really big shock". She said taking the food.
"Thank you for breakfast now get something for yourself". She winked.
"I'm not hungry". He laughed.

OOF! I'm sorry it's cringy. It's my first book I'm trying to make it seem interesting I hope you like it:)

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