Chapter 8.....Maybe?

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"Hi reader! This is Cuddle team leader here! I heard that you've really missed this book. I don't know why though, I've only been in one part. Nah I'm just kidding. Also by the way, all the shit that Brite and Drift are going through. It's fake. My good friend Elmira put some sorta spell over the area of their house. So now they see the seasons change just a slight bit slower than us. So, they should be stuck in a black hole. At least that's what El told me. But don't worry they won't actually die. Are you wondering why I did this? What am I saying of course you are, who wouldn't? So you know way back when Rex tried something on Bri and then Drift electrocuted Rex. Well Rex some how, died because of it. His skin was pierced, and he couldn't move. Not long after his just dropped dead. So I thought this would do them some good. Yknow before I murder them slowly and painfully. Oh I also threw Raptor in the for fun. Yeah fun times.

Well that should be enough from me I didn't want to bore you with the details. Well I mean if they're seeing life back a couple months then they don't know what's coming".



"Sorry guys but I gotta fix this before she blows one of the bases up. BYE!"

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