Chapter 7

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Sup guys haven't updated because of school :( but who else saw that they were coming out with a Jack and Jack movie?!?! I wanna pre-order Bundle #3 since it comes with a signed poster :) and I also wanna see Expelled :p But anyways heres the chapter :P


Tides- Jack and Jack

Sad Song- We the Kings

Up all night- 1D :p
and a lot more :)

Katie's P.O.V.

Well this sucks I'm left alone because Ashley just had to leave... I walked around to see if I can find anyone that I know that ISN'T drunk at the moment. I found some of my friends but they turned out to be drunk or occupied with a guy. Eww.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Ashley and started walking towards her but then a guy bumped into her and spilled her drink. AHAHAHA she's going to be so pissed, she turned around and talked but I couldn't hear her over the loud music.

The guy also turned around and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was freaking Jack Gilinsky and beside him was freaking Jack Johnson. I rubbed my eyes to make sure this was all real.
Once I removed my hands from my eyes I saw Ashley slap Jack G. across the cheek and with that she left... Ooo she was really pissed.

The boy's were talking and then walked away. Right when I was about to follow them... that sounds stalkish... a senior guy came up to me and he was obviously drunk becuase I could smell the alchol on his breath.

Blah I feel like throwing up. I hate Alchol, I don't even know how Ashley drinks it.

"Hello sexy, I'm Channing" The guy said.

"Well um 'sup Channing nice meeting you. I'm going to go now and you can go back to getting drunk. Bye." Once I said that I started walking towards where Jack and Jack were but I felt a hand grab my wrist and spin me around. It was Channing.

"Oh no sweety," He said with a smirk ",you're coming with me."

"No I'm not. Let go of me you ugly rapist." Omfg I just called him a rapist. Well he sure as hell looks like one since he's acting like this.

"What did you just call me?"

"Nothing." I tried squirming out of his grip but it was useless, he was too strong. I screamed as loud as I could and a few people turned around and stared at me. They just ignored me, turned back around and continued on with what they were doing before. Channing picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Let go of me you idiot!!" I screamed while kicking and punching him. He started walking towards the group that Jack and Jack was but then I realised he was actually going to the stairs.

"Jack!! Jack help me anyone!! Brandon!!"

They heard me but they didn't know who was calling them. Channing then got to the stairs and I yelled one last time to see if I caught any of there attention.

"Brandon! Jack! Luke!!" I yelled. They finally saw me but I only saw a glimpse before Channing walked up the stairs. Omfg I'm freaking out. Why did Ashley have to leave me alone. He walked into a room, closed the door behind him, and locked the door.

He put me on the bed .. well not exactly put, he mostly threw me on the bed. I looked around and saw that this was Luke's room. It was pretty obvious since there was a poster or something saying "Luke's room! If you're not Luke and your in my room you will die immediately."

Wow Luke very inspirational and comforting. I felt the bed sink down and I saw Channing climbing on top of me.

"Get off of me!!"I screamed and punched his chest. He just chuckled not just any chuckle a drunk and ugly chuckle.

Jack G P.O.V.

I heard someone call my name or Jack's name, Brandon's, and Luke's name from somewhere but we don't know where. We heard it again and Brandon figured out who it was coming from. It was Katie on a guy's shoulder.

Oh no, we all looked at each other already knowing what was going to happen. We looked back to the staircase but she was gone. We all got up and followed Luke upstairs.I looked back to see that Ashley was still dancing on top of the table.

We got up stairs and heard Katie screaming something.We all went straight to Luke's room but it was locked.

"Ahh fuck." Luke said.

"Isn't there a key or something that you could open the door with?" Jack asked.

"Oh yea there is! Stay right here, Brandon come with me and you guy's stay there to hear if anything happens. I'm going to my parent's room to find the key."

We agreed and they went into a room furtherdown the hall. Right after they went into the room we heard the guy say

"Take off your clothes." Oh my gosh I feel bad for Katie, Luke better hurry up. We heard her yell "No!" and with that we heard some sort of slap. If he fucking slapped her I'm going to kill the guy. Wtf is wrong with him?! Luke and Brandon come back with a little key in hand.

"Dude hurry up the guy just slapped Katie! Do you know how pissed her boyfriend is going to be?"

"Yes I do, now move out the way." He unlocked the door and opened it. Inside we see Katie crying and the guy trying to remove her shirt. She already has no pants on but she has her underwear on.

"Dude what the hell is wrong with you?!" Brandon yelled. The guy turned around and he looked drunk. Katie looked up and saw us. Her eyes filled with relief.

"Come on dude just having a little fun.." He said with a smirk. I walked up to him and pushed him to the ground.

"Someone deal with this bastard while I get Katie!" I yelled. Luke and Brandon went toward the guy on the floor while me and Jack walked to Katie.

"Are you ok?" I put a blanket on top of her and picked her up. She shook her head.

"It's ok now. We can take you home."

"But what about Ashley she has to come. It might be hard to get her to come though." Katie said.

"We will get her to come. Jack will try to get her." She just nodded and layed her head back.

"I was wondering what were you doing here because dont you have to wake up early because of the event tomorrow?" She asked.

"We do but Brandon invited us and Jack told me there was going to be hot girls here but I didn't even get to see if there was any but I think I found a pretty girl though." Jack interrupted with a smile.

I know what he meant!! He like's Katie!! He does the most obvious things ever.

We walked to the door but turned around because we heard a groan from the guy. He had blood everywhere.

"Did you just kill him?" I asked them.

"Maybe. Maybe not." They grabbed the guys feet and dragged him towards the door.
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Ahahahahha another cliff hanger for y'all since you don't know what will happen when they get out the door. :p I will update whenever I can. Byeeee. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :)

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