Chapter 11

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Hello everyone. I'm finally back with a new chapter woohoo!! Ok nevermind I bet no one is excited. So this chapter may be short because this is mostly a filler chapter I don't know. Ok I'm going to be starting something new. I will be setting goals! For example if this chapter gets 15 votes and 10 comments I will upload a new chapter and then I will be increasing the amount of votes and comments ok? Ok! Here's the chapter!!


Ashley's P.O.V

As we're driving out of the neighborhood I remembered if Katie got the tickets or not.

"Hey Katie. Did you get the tickets?" I asked. The car comes to halt and I almost banged my head against the dashboard. Well there is my answer.

"Oh my goodness no I didn't! Thanks for reminding me Ash!! Whew if you didn't remind me we wouldn't be able to get in." She says. Bloody hell I shouldn't have said anything. She does a U-turn and drives back to the house. She parks in the driveway, turns off the ignition, and runs inside to get the tickets. As I'm waiting for her to get the tickets I'm thinking about the most violent things in my head. For example I hope an intruder finds it's way through the security to get inside and-

"Ok I got the tickets!!" Damn you Katie. You interrupted my thoughts which I was hoping would happen. She puts her seat belt on and backs away from the driveway. As we're driving down the neighborhood to the exit, I put my Beats on and choose a song to play. We exit the neighborhood and drive past the beach. I roll my window down and feel the nice ocean breeze on my face. It's relaxing actually.

I close my window and sit back waiting to arrive at Hell number 2. Hell number 1 is school obviously. I go on my phone and scroll down my music playlist. I choose Somebody from Natalie La Rose. It's a good song. I turn my phone off and put it inside my hoodie pocket. That's when I see Katie talking to me. I remove my headphones and see whats she saying.

"Oh my gosh. I can't wait to see Cameron! Oh and also Nash to see his bright blue eyes in person!! Oh my God and also- " I groan and put my headphones back on to block out her fangirling over these idiotic boys. I turn the volume up all the way and lay my head down on the headrest.


As we arrive at the location Katie stops talking about them and squeals like a little girl getting a Barbie Dream house on Christmas. I roll my eyes at her and hesitantly remove my seat belt. Katie is already outside taking pictures with people. I was confused until I remembered we were famous on Vine also. I get out the car and I hear screams coming towards me. I turn around and that's when I see a group of girls running over to me. I see a girl trip over and fall. suck in a breath. That must have hurt.

I tell the girls to stay right here while I go help out the girl that fell. As I help her out she doesn't notice its me yet since she's wiping her knees.

"Are you alright? That looked like it hurt." I asked. Once I asked that she looked up and started crying. I hugged her and she hugged me back tighter while still crying. I held onto her and walked back over to the group of girls that became bigger. I asked what the girls name was and she told me it was Samantha.

"Beautiful name Samantha." I said while I also noticed her knee was bleeding.

"Here let's take a picture and you should go get a band-aid!" I managed to say over the amount of girls screaming. Samantha nodded and we took a selfie. She hugged me and I hugged back. She walked off, turned around, waved at me one last time, and yelled I love you, thank you for making me happy. I yelled back an I love you too and turned around. Only to notice I lost Katie in the big group. I take more pictures with the girls and several told me I was part of their happiness. I smiled and thought wow, I'm part of those girls happiness.

The group increases more and more with girls. That's when security arrives and pushes the girls away from me. I feel bad, but I wouldn't have been able to get a picture with all of them. Katie and I will have to do another tour soon. I spot Katie at the same time she sees me. She runs over smiling and out of breath.

"We're going to have to do another tour." We say in unison. We laugh since we're so used to it happening. The security guard grabs our arms and pushes us towards the back. We wave goodbye to the massive group of girls with our free arms. When we arrive at the back I realized we have to see the boys. While Katie is overly excited I'm boiling with anger that I have to see one specific boy. I'm pretty sure anger is written all over my face. I will never forget what he did to my brother. Fucking dick head. I hate him.

The security guard leads us to the main room where we see the boys playing around. There he is. The douche bag that pretty much ruined my brothers happiness. The security guard gives us a V.I.P necklace and leaves us here. I put on the necklace and cross my arms. We stand there waiting for one of them to notice us and one of them finally notice us. A guy with a colorful bandana looks at us and yells,

"GUYS LOOK THEY'RE HERE!!" He yelled while pointing in our direction. All the boys turn around and I'm going to be honest. They aren't ugly like I imagined them to be in person. They're actually.... attractive. I see the face of the one I was dreading to see. The one I hate the most. I roll my eyes, while Katie squeals.


Ok hi guys how was that? Good or bad? Get this chapter to 15 votes and 10 comments then I'll update. :p Well that was the chapter. Hopefully it was good. Alright bye! Get 15 votes and 10 comments and I'll update!! Bye guys <3

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