Class trial {3} (part 2)

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A/N: It would make sense to make a part 2 for the 3rd class trial, right?
Well, I'm still doing it anyway. As you an tell, I didn't really write any mini games... Mostly because I don't like writing boring and unnecessary development. I hope you like it anyway!!

(update) It appears Kokichi's birthday is coming up, and so his birthday happens to fall in pride month... Happy birthday Kokichi!! And Mondo. Can't forget that dude 🥰🥰

Class trial; RESUME

"We were on break?" Tsumugi asked.

"I wish." Shuichi sighed.

"Talking about the first subject upon Angie.." Kokichi started, putting his hands on his hips with confidence. "We should talk about how she died. In order with Himiko's case, so we don't get lost."

Kaito huffed. "Do you think we're stupid? We know how to keep our place in an argument."

"I don't think you're stupid." Kokichi smiled. "I think you're very stupid."

"Agreed." Maki nodded.

"THAT'S the only thing you can agree with Kokichi on?!" Kaito exclaimed. "Now that's just bullying!"

"Bullying aside," Tsumugi coughed loudly to get attention. "I think the people involved in the seance should lead the debate. They know more about the murder than the people who didn't participate."

"But there is also a highly likely chance that the murderer is among the participants. The murderer could just disguise themselves as innocent when they lead the debate. They could easily lie and fool us." Keebo slightly interjected.

Tsumugi shook her head. "I didn't say they were crossed out of the suspect list, I'm saying that they know more about the crime than we do; seeing that they literally witnessed the crime unfold in front of them." She explained, smiling sweetly. "In fact, the participants are the biggest suspects in here."

"Then that would be Korekiyo, Kokichi, Shuichi, Tenko, Angie, and the additional add-on.. Me." Maki hummed.

"With That out of the way, can the participants explain how the body was found?" Keebo asked.

"Ugh! Like you don't already know," Kokichi spat. "Typical for a robot to forget something that simple that easily. Obviously, Angie's body was found in the middle, still bleeding out of her neck. Meaning that she was killed moments before she was revealed."

"I'm ignoring that first part.." Keebo said dejectedly.

"If her body was found fresh, then that should make this easier." Maki wondered, putting a finger on her chin.

"Case solved!" Kaito exclaimed. "If Angie was murdered during the seance, then everyone should have seen who it was!"

"It was dark." Everyone, all at once (except for Miu), stated.

"O-oh.." Kaito looked away with embarrassment. That didn't stop the biggest threat from laughing.

"BAHAHAHA!! Oh my GOD, KAITO!!! You are SO dumb that you even make me laugh!! Ahaha!" Kokichi burst out, pointing at the laughing stock.

"H-hey! Shut up! And you can laugh easier than that!" Kaito yelled.

"Enough. It was dark, but that doesn't mean we couldn't tell what was happening." Shuichi announced. "We can hear and smell, after all. We have reflexes."

"Well, well! I heard some shuffling during the speaking parts. The culprit was probably making their way towards Angie." Kokichi huffed, smiling and putting his hand on his hip.

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