"We're all getting over it!"

423 21 22

Kokichi skipped to a certain dorm, humming.
It was the next morning, and almost everyone was eating breakfast. They were all together!!
And did he feel any better?
Hell no!

To be honest, Kokichi felt like fucking shit. No, worse than shit. Ultra shit. Super high school LEVEL shit.
Point is, he did not feel so good, mr. stark.

The purple-haired leader made a beeline for Shuichi's dorm, then knocked on it faster than the speed of light.
"Oh Saihara-chaaaaan!~" He sang.
"Wake up." He demanded, his voice sounding grim.

Nothing. Not a single groan or shift of the bed.

Kokichi was already getting impatient. He knocked several times, whining.
"Come on, come on!! You're the last at breakfast, and everyone's worried about you! Get out here right now, detective!"

Still no answer.

Now, that got Kokichi worried.
"Hey, Saihara-chan..? Open up, I-it's me.." He mumbled, putting his ear on the door.
He didn't hear anything. Not a single sound.
How's Shuichi such a deep sleeper? He thought, sliding out a hair clip from his pocket.
I've done this several times before and he always answered. Did the trial hit him that hard?

He knelt down and picked the lock. After a few seconds of fiddling, he heard that satisfying click! and stood back up, putting away the hair clip.
Kokichi pushed the door open fully, but made sure he didn't slam it open. "Get up already, Saihara-chan! You're wasting my ti—"

Kokichi's eyes widen and he stops in his tracks.

Shuichi was sprawled out on the floor, his eyes shut with his rather uncomfortable position.

After registration get the situation, Kokichi screamed out in agony and rushed over to his potential lover.
"SHUICHI!" Kokichi yelled, sliding next to his body and lifting his head up. He couldn't stop the flow of tears streaming down his face, damping his and Shuichi's clothes.

"No.." Kokichi clenched his teeth, then examined Shuichi's arms and around him.
There was nothing that dangerous to kill anybody, and there wasn't any traces of blood or whatever.

What if he was poisoned..?! Damnit, who could've done this?! He thought, shutting his eyes tightly to restrain his loud sobbing.
It was no use. He was shaking quite badly, and couldn't maintain a proper facade.

For fuck's sake, his crush and best friend was DEAD! And without saying a goodbye, either! Not even a hug, a kiss, or even a brush of the hand!

"I-I'm such a.. f-failure.." Kokichi hung his head, gasping with every sob.
"I shouldn't... H-have taken my feelings for granted.."
The small boy brought Shuichi's head closer, hugging it gently. He sniffed as he shook uncontrollably, his eyes widened in panic, confusion and sadness.
"A-And now you're gone..!" He choked back a sob.
"Now I cant hug you anymore, tease you, kiss you, give hints about my liking to you... I can't do a-any of that!" He shouted.

Kokichi pulled back and bumped his forehead onto Shuichi's, holding it there.
"I'm so sorry, Shuichi Saihara.." He whispered, closing his eyes and kissing his "gone" crush as he cradled his head.

Shuichi's eyes fluttered open, not processing Kokichi above him.

Kokichi's eyes snap open, the shock of Shuichi suddenly waking up making him freeze in place.
He stays like that for a moment then instantly pulls away, dropping Shuichi's head and wiping his eyes quickly.

"Ugh.." Shuichi sat up, rubbing his eyes.
He finally noticed Kokichi.
"... Am I dreaming?" He immediately mumbled.

"Yeah, you are." Kokichi couldn't help his full-face blush of embarrassment. "Hold on, let me fix that."

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