Chapter One

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I walked down the road my hood and mask keeping my face hidden. People pass by me not giving me a second glance. I have lived in the mortal realm for about three years now and everything seems to have settled down. None of my kind have tried to find me in a while and I haven't ran into any other supernatural beings. All the mortals are a bit jumpy lately because there has been a bunch of killings going on in the small towns around this one. But I have nothing to worry about so I just go about my daily  routine on Sunday, pick up groceries at the store, help some people, go to the library, then head home and clean the house. But I guess someone had a different plan. I bump shoulders with another person and I turn to face them. "I'm sorry. I should have been watching. Are you alright?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry for bumping into you." The boy says scratching the back of his neck then he walks away. I roll my eyes and walks to my house. As the door shuts behind me I pull off my hood and mask then puts my groceries away and sets to work on cleaning. I hum to myself as I dance around the kitchen. The sun sets and I stretch with a giant sigh. "Now to get something to eat and get in the shower." I mutter to myself then starts to cook. Heat rises from the plate of ham fried rice and I smile. While I eat I listen to the news. "A murder has happened in the quiet little town of Ludenburge. Police say that they think this murder is linked to the others that have been happening lately." The reporter says. I roll my eyes and washes my dishes. I turn off my TV and heads up to my bathroom.  I strip and hop into the hot water and sighs as my muscles  relax. I scrub my body and hair then gets out. I wrap my self in a towel and walks to my room. I pull on my pj's and crawls into bed. 

DarkMoon here. This is my newest story I have decided to write. Sorry this chapter is so short. I haven't had any ideas yet but don't worry. I will try to update all my books eventually. Next week is the last week of school and I am hyped. Even though I won't be doing anything cool over summer but I get out of school so that's a plus. :p Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter and that you have a good day, night or evening. 

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