Chapter Thirty Three

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"Become Queen? Seriously? That's what you want me to help you with? Trivial for someone who was forced to create a time loop and is slowly destroying said time loop from the inside." Fae says and the jewel on her necklace glows red then fades. "Done. No Marriage needed and I also made it so who ever the king is won't question anything and if asked about it he tells a lie able to fool anyone. If you need anything here is my number. Now, can you help me get home? I need to get back before my boys do something to get their dumb asses killed." She says practically bouncing on her heels. "Yes, but once I do you might forget all about this. You won't remember ever leaving your timeline." Slender says. "Well I don't want to forget...... You there, have a knife on you that I could borrow?" Fae asks looking at Jeff. He pulls out his knife and tosses it to her. She swiftly catches it and rolls up her sleeve on her left arm and carves something into her arm. Fae tosses the knife back and shows us her arm. 


"There, now I won't forget. All my memories will be attached to this. If this is some how erased only then will I forget my journey into this timeline. Just know that this might not be the last time we see each other. Especially if I keep messing things up in my original timeline." Fae says and smiles softly looking at the ground while covering her arm with the sleeve once more. Slender looks at her. "If you want I can keep in contact with you through a mind link. I would put my mark on you but from the sounds of it your boys would not take it well." Slender says. She giggles. "No, probably not. They hate Him more than anything. Trust me. Keeping a mind link won't be bad. Contact me anytime through the link or my number. I tend to be awake at all times even if my boys try to force me to sleep. See ya guys on the flip side." Fae smiles and Slender opens a portal and she puts her mask back onto her face and sprints head first into the portal grinning. "I'm coming Morons. You better not have fucked up again." She laughs and disappears from sight. The portal closes and everyone looks around. "She was definitely different than anyone else we have encountered." Toby says. "I liked her. She trusted us from the beginning even if some of us looked like an enemy from her timeline." I say glancing at Slender.   

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