Chapter Twenty Three

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I wake up again later and everything that happened earlier rushes me and I blush heavily. I go to the bathroom then sits on my floor lost in thought. I am bonded with EJ. I realize and my heart flutters at the thought of his name. Angels are bonded to those who take their virginity. Normally it is with an Angel of the same type and it's only the females that are bonded to the male. The male can fuck anyone else and not feel remorse or anything. If the female does she will be haunted with guilt, remorse, anguish. I bite my lip and sighs. I pull off my hood and runs my hands through my hair. I can hear EJ's heart beat across the hall from me. I doze off again right where I am and I wake up a while later to see Sally in my room. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with the other girls?" I ask sleepily. "Yesterday was the last day of the thing. We just got back." She says. I nod my head slowly. Lazari walks into my room and smiles at me. "Something about you is different." She says. I look at her confused. "What do you mean?" I tilt my head. "I don't know but I know that something is different." Lazari says. We sit in my room and chat for a while before we hear Slender call for everyone. I walk towards him Sally and Lazari in tow. We get to the living room and I yawn slightly. "What's up Boss? Why did you call this meeting?" Masky asks. Slender ignores him. I look at him suspicious. "I've been doing some research about Angels and I called this meeting for a specific reason." He says. My heart leaps into my throat. "I have found ways to tell the genders of Angels even if they are hiding their actual gender. Females have a bigger wing span than males, The males are competitive with other males even non angel males, females make other females angel or not comfortable with them. So, how does everyone feel about Vesper?" Slender asks. I become tense and glances around searching for a possible quick exit. "I think we are all comfortable with him. Are you saying Vesper is actually a female?" Clockwork asks. "Precisely." Slender says. "We should have some one check to be sure." Judge Angel says. Ben steps towards me and I back away. "Don't you fucking touch me." I growl. Ben ignores my threat and lunges at me. EJ reaches me before Ben does and knocks Ben away and hugs me to his side. "Don't touch what's mine Elf." EJ growls harshly. "EJ, is Vesper female?" Slender asks. I bury my face into his side. "There's no use hiding it. They are going to find out eventually." I mutter into his side. "Yes, She is. What of it?" EJ hugs me tighter. "How long have you known?" Jeff asks. "Since the first day she was here." EJ says. Sally and Lazari hugs my legs. "I really thought you guys would have figured it out sooner." Sally says and Lazari agrees. "Wait, you two knew?" EJ asks. "Yep, longer than you have. Ever since we first met when she was leading us here." Lazari says. "Painter, Puppeteer and I figured it out too." Jane says. 

Sorry for the spam. I was editing a few things and I decided to add this. Also sorry for the irregular posting times. I tend to post a chapter or more when I am inspired and have the chance. I also have a question, should I make a book all about the Angel facts? They are just things I am making up as I go but I just wanna know if I should make a book explaining all the facts and stuff so it's not confusing because I am just barely scrapping the tip of the iceberg with my explanations in this book. 

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