Chapter Twenty Four

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EJ shakes his head and fixes my hood so my eyes are hidden. "You are acting different EJ. You aren't normally the affectionate type." Jeff points out. I look at Jeff then lets go of EJ. That's when I sense other angels approaching. I hear them land outside and before anyone knows whats going on I have quickly moved EJ's mask and my mouth guard and I am kissing EJ. I pull away, smile at him then adjusts my mouth guard and steps outside. My black wings fly out of my back and now they have a blue tint to them. "You can't kill me anymore." I say calmly. "Yeah right. There's no way you are bonded with someone. " One angel laughs. "Besides, I am supposed to be your assigned partner." A male says smiling smugly. "If you're so confident about that then change my clothes to what ever matches your mood right now." I cross my arms. "Ha, easy." He says cockily and then looks at me concentrated and slightly frustrated that grows more and more.  "What the hell? You bitch!" He snaps angrily and grabs my throat. I let out a strangled yelp and kicks him in the groin launching him away from me. "Touch me again and I will skin you with a tree branch." I snarl. The angels snort and a female pins me to the nearest tree. I scratch at her hands and struggles. "B-Babe!" I cry out and the female is ripped away from me. EJ stands in front of me snarling angrily. "Try that again and I gut you all like fish." he snaps. "She is bonded. And it's with that male there. We can't hurt her anymore." A different girl says. "The higher ups will hear about this Angel of War." One male spits at me and they all take to the sky and leaves. I bury my face in EJ's back and he turns around and hugs me tightly. "You're safe now. They won't get you even if I am dead." EJ kisses the top of my head. I giggle softly. "Okay." I hum. 

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