Chapter Seventeen

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I open my eyes and looks around. No one else seems to be in the room. I sit up and stretches out my wings slightly. I hiss lowly as there is still a little pain. "Tender but nothing I can't handle." I mutter. As I test my limits I hear the door open and I look over to see EJ. "Oh, it's you. What do you want?" I growl. "Chill Dumb ass. I came to make sure everything is in the right place." He says. I glare at him as he inspects my wings. "Everything seems to be good." EJ says. I get up and goes to leave when he backs me against the bed and inspects the hickey on my neck. "It still looks good but it also looks lonely." He says and removes his mask attacking my neck again on the other side. EJ bites and sucks on the spot abusing it and I squirm trying to push him away but he keeps attacking my neck turning it black and blue. I kick him away and growls. "Dammit! Will you leave my fucking neck alone you ass! I get that you think you own me but that doesn't mean I won't kick your ass." I spit. EJ just laughs and pins me again. "Fight me all you want. You won't escape me." He purrs. I punch him in the head and storms out of the room hiding my wings. I cover my neck and heads down stairs muttering to my self angrily. "Hey Vesper. What's wrong? You seem pissed." Toby asks. "It's nothing." I sigh and looks at him. He doesn't seem to believe me but says nothing. I sit on the couch and stares at the ceiling. Am I really EJ's little toy now? Is that what my life has become? I so want to throw him to the sun. I rub my masked face and looks around the room. The room is spacious with a couple of couches lined up against one wall. A large widow sits on another wall and a TV on the final. I feel someone grabs my shoulders and I deck them.  I hear them hit the floor and I peek over the couch to see Jeff on the ground. "Oops." I say. He looks up at me and glares slightly. "Sorry Jeff. Didn't know it was you. Next time don't sneak up on me." I say. Jeff flips me off and I smirk. "I do swing that way so if you really want I can." I say seductively. His cheeks go bright red and I laugh. "Got ya." He growls and gets up quickly and walks away his face still red. 

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