Chapter Thirteen

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I flip him off and hurries away from that room shuddering. "All patched up?" Masky asks. I nod my head and he leads me to meet the others of the mansion. The walk is silent till we reach the living room where I am bombed with questions. "If you're an Angel what was your job?" Someone asks. "Every angel has a different role to play based on their type. Everyone of them thought I was a Fate Angel leading people to where fate wanted them. And I was amazing at it. In fact I am the one that lead Sally and Lazari to you. I might have lead all of you but I can't remember faces very well." I scratch the back of my neck. "Tobias Erin Rodgers." A boy says. "Yeah, I lead you from the day you were born." I say. "That means you lead Lyra to her death." He says. "That was not planned or expected. All I knew was that you needed to get to the point that you killed your douche of a dad." I say. "Jeffery Elizabeth Woods." Another boy grumbles. "I remember that name. I was there when you moved in and defended yourself and your brother from those three bullies. I so wanted to string those boys up by their noses." I growl slightly. I calm down and scratches the back of my neck. "Why do you wear that mask?" One boy asks. "Cause I am not that handsome and my face is pretty fucked up." I say. "Look at Jeff's. It can't be as bad as his." a different boy says. "Shut it Elf." Jeff snaps. I shake my head and sighs. "Vesper, follow me. Boss wants me to show you to your room." Masky says. I follow him and me and EJ pass each other on the stairs and I try to stay out of his reach and hurries to catch up to Masky. "You will be staying here. EJ is right across from you, Jane is on your left and Clockwork is on your right. If you need anything don't be afraid to ask anyone of them. I'll let you get settled. Dinner is at 6:00 pm." Masky leaves and I quickly enter my room and locks the door. 

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