Chapter Twenty One

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Soon the training ends and I go to flee to my room when Slender stops me. "Now that you have all trained to your best I have an announcement. All of you will be going on a killing spree tonight as a special reward for not tearing the mansion and each other apart like usual. Vesper, you may go with but if you do you will be restrained so you don't try to escape. If you stay home I would like do some research and test somethings with and on you." Slender says. I rub my face. "So basically it's either be restrained or be restrained. Great." I growl. "Vesper stay here until you make your decision the rest of you may go." He says. Everyone but me and Slender leave the room and I cross my arms over my chest. "Quit being stubborn and pouty. If you didn't want this to happen you should have stayed away from my mansion." Slender growls. "How the hell was I supposed to know that if I got near your mansion I was going to be kidnapped and held here against my will?" I snap. We glare at each other and the atmosphere in the room gets more and more tense. Out of Slenderman's back comes his tendrils. I spread my wings ready for anything. "And just for the record. I am staying at the mansion tonight but I am not leaving my room and you can't make me." I snarl while quickly putting my wings away, flinching slightly, and runs to my room. I lock the door and window then flops on my bed. Soon night falls and I watch everyone leave, including Sally and Lazari. I spot Slender for a split second before he disappears. I sigh softly and I can feel Slender making his way towards me but he isn't teleporting.  He wants me to know he is coming. In the bat of an eyelash I have my binder on which blends into my skin and makes it look like I have abs. But if you look close and hard enough you would be able to tell that it is cloth. I hear my door unlock and I turn to face to door irritated. The door swings open to reveal Slender. "Like I said before. I am not leaving my room and you can't make me." I growl crossing my arms. "You are coming with me whether you like it or not. You are living in my mansion so you will listen to me." Slender snarls. "Like I give a damn where I am living. I am my own fucking person. You have no control over me." I snap. Suddenly I am wrapped up in Slender's tendrils and dragged from my room. I scream and struggle but Slender doesn't seem phased by my screaming and struggling. I am set in a room and Slender releases me. I jump to my feet and glares at him intensely. That's when I notice the clipboard and pen in his hands. "Spread your wings to their fullest." He says. I look at him caution radiating off me but does as he asked. He measures them from tip to tip then writes it down on his clipboard. He continues to ask me things and writes down something. Soon I am allowed to go back to my room and I flop onto my bed. I fall asleep and three hours pass. I am shaken awake by Sally saying it is dinner time. I get up and follows her down stairs. A plate full of food is sent in front of me and I smell it. It smells good but something stings my nose slightly but I brush it off and eats. Soon my plate is empty and I put it in the sink then sits in the living room to watch Ben play some video games before getting tired and heading to bed. Which something I should have realized was that my food was drugged with a super strong sleeping agent. But by the time I did realize it it was too late and I was out cold. Now how long people are out is completely dependent on the person. Some it's only a few minutes, others a few hours. But me, I was out for the rest of the year. 

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