Chapter Twenty Eight

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Everyone looks at me with pity. "Is this what you were hiding from me in the bathroom?" EJ asks. I nod my head. "Why? I wouldn't have been mad." He says. "Because, these were done by those I thought you cared for. I didn't want to cause problems between everyone. I would feel horrible if I did." I whimper. I hear someone walk up to me and my chin is lifted so I make eye contact with EJ. "Babe, you are such a dork." He says and boops my nose.  I flip him off and my hoodie is thrown over my face before EJ moves away. "Dammit EJ, We were hoping to see her face, even if it was just a small part like her eyes." Jeff says and EJ chuckles along with Mos. "You can't see her eyes. They belong to me." EJ says as I pull my hoodie back on and adjusts my hood to hide my eyes again. I get up and rubs the back of my neck. "Sorry you had to see me like that. I am normally not that emotional." I mutter and then turns to Mos. "So how long have you been back from the dead?" I ask tilting my head. "Only a few days actually. I don't know how I came back but all I can remember is darkness then all of a sudden I see your parents looking down at me and they say that I needed to go back to you and stay by your side. So I have been searching for you since I left Heaven.  I didn't think you would have been caught by these guys." Mos jabs his thumb at Masky and the others. "I didn't have a choice. I saved their asses from some people and angels then I wake up and I am tied up in a room." I snicker. "No way! They had you tied up?! That is extremely kinky." Mos says and I bust up. "I know right! They couldn't think of a better way to keep me in that room? I broke out of my bonds in no time. The look on their faces was priceless." I giggle. Mos ruffles my hair and I punch his side. "Damn, you haven't gotten soft." He groans rubbing his side. I smirk. "Of course not. I am an Angel of War remember." I say crossing my arms cockily. That's when I realize Mos is taller than me and I glare angrily. "Dammit Mos. Why did you have to become so tall?" I pout and cross my arms. "Because you are so tiny." He says and rests his arm on my head. "Fuck off you tree." I shove him away angrily pouting. I go and stand next to Ben. "Hey! We are the same size Ben." I smile and Ben smiles as well and we high five. "Mischief Midgets!" I giggle and Ben flicks my nose. "Dumb ass." He shakes his head and walks away. 

Darkmoon here. I just noticed that this book has been seen/read 1k times. Holy Crap! Where are you guys coming from?! Thank you all so much! I didn't think anyone would like this book honestly. I was just kinda writing because I had an idea and it was just going to be a random thing but holy crap! I had no idea it would be this popular. Anyway, Have A Good Day Or Night and I will see you in the next chapter. 

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