Chapter Three

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DarkMoon here. I just wanted to say the picture above (if it even shows because who knows.) Doesn't belong to me. 

We stare at each other for a while before we crack up laughing. "Long time no see Vesper."  he says. "Yeah. How have you been? Last time I saw you were just a street rat." I sling my arm over his shoulders. "I finally took over the town. No one can over throw me because they are all scared of you." He laughs. I roll my eyes. "Sorry for dropping in on you. I'm on the run again. I guess I pissed some guy off and now him and all of his friends are after me." I shake my head. "you are always getting into trouble aren't you Vesper." He says rolling his eyes. "Oh shut it Mos. You were getting into just as much trouble as me so you have no room to talk." I punch his arm playfully. "Joking aside what can I do for you?" Mos asks. "I was hoping you could let me stay here for the night before I continue my journey. " I say. "Are you sure you don't wanna stay here longer than that? You would be safe and no one would hurt you." He pleads. I roll my eyes at his childishness.  "I would, but not while I am being hunted. I don't want you hurt, I don't know what I would do if you died because of me." I sigh. "Then you should come with me peacefully and the boy will be spared." an unknown voice says from behind me. I whirl around and glares to see three boys and a girl looking at me. The middle boy has his arms crossed.  "Who are you? How did you get in?" Mos says. The group of four gets confused. "Leave while you still can Ves." Mos whispers in my ear. "No way am I leaving you here." I growl. "We walked in." The middle boy says.  "Mos, I'm sorry. It's my fault they got in. The barrier you placed around won't close with me inside. " I mutter. "Non sense Ves. Anyway, I know your plan. I guess I'll go along with it. As much as I'll miss this place, it's for the better." Mos sighs and I scope him into my arms and unfolds my wings to their full extent catching the group of four by surprise. "We weren't told he had wings!" One of the other boys says. I launch my self into the air with Mos clinging to me tightly. I fly in a random direction away from the group the wind howling around me.  "Where will we go?" Mos asks. "Where ever those fucks can't find us. Also, Mos you are heavy in this form. You know that right?" I ask. "Shut up Ves. Is that any way to talk to your savior?" Mos growls playfully before changing into a mouse. I tighten my grip on Mos slightly. We hear gun shots behind us but I ignore them and focus on flying. "All this flying is dangerous Ves. The other angels might notice you." Mos says. "I'll have to risk it because the forest we are currently soaring over gives me bad vibes. So I'll stay air born for a while." I pant my wings growing tired. As the sun starts to rise I falter. "We are losing altitude!" Mos yells. I flip onto my back and throws Mos into the air. He changes to his human form but granting himself the wings of a hawk. He swoops down and catches me in his arms. "I won't let you go that easily." Mos says. I fold my wings and smiles weakly at Mos. "I must be so heavy." I mutter. "Nonsense. I can handle it." Mos says. I start to doze off. "You should sleep Ves. You look exhausted." Mos says. I flip him off causing him to chuckle before I fully slip into the darkness known as sleep. 

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