Chapter Four

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The picture above (if it shows) is Mos. Isn't he a cutie?

When I wake up I am still airborne and Mos scans around. "Any trouble?" I ask. "None so far. I had some close calls but we should be okay for now." He says. I nod my head slowly. We land outside a city and I adjust my hood then I walk inside Mos sticking close to me. People hardly pay any attention to us even though I was decked out in dark clothing in the heat and Mos looked like he was being kidnapped. Suddenly the atmosphere seems to thicken. Mos grabs my wrist tightly and he glances around nervously. "Ves, I have a bad  feeling about this." He whispers. "Yeah, me too. But we have to act natural. One wrong move and we could end up dead." I mutter and continues to walk. "He's right there!! Grab him!!" A familiar voice snaps and Mos jumps startled. People run towards us. "Mos, take flight! I'll be right behind you!!" I yell and boosts Mos into the air. He unfurls his wings and hovers in the air. "GO!!! Find somewhere to lay low!! I'll follow!!" I yell. He looks down at me worried as people close in on me. I smile and nod which he returns weakly then flies off. "Now, to deal with you." I growl and looks at all the people. "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET!!!" I yell and slams my hands into the ground and raises an army of the dead. Me and my army take out a bunch of people. At one point I have my wings out and someone grabs one. "The hell?" I ask and looks at the person to see goggles looking surprised. I lift my wings up and in a powerful down stroke I have thrown myself high into the sky. I smirk down at the horde of people. "You can't keep me down now can ya?" I tilt my head then laughs and goes after Mos.  I find a cave and lands on the ground and tucks my wings. I step into the cave.  My foot lands in something sticky. I look down confused and tilts my head. I place my fingers into the sticky substance and brings it to my face.  A thick layer of blood coats my fingers and my eyes widen. "MOS?! MOS!? ARE YOU OKAY?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I yell walking farther into the cave. "MOS!! MOSKIRO!!!! ANSWER ME!!!" I start to run and that's when I see the body of my closest bestest friend laying in a pool of his own blood. "MOSKIRO!!!!!" I land on my knees and pulls his head into my lap. "No no no no no no no no no no no no no no. You can't be dead." I whisper and brushes his hair out of his face. His eyes are now a duller green and blood sticks to his skin and stains his shirt. "Moskiro, Talk to me." I whimper. But I don't get a response. I hug his body tightly and wails. My voice slipping into it's angelic force and echos around me. I cling to Mos's lifeless body as tears roll down my face as I start to sing. 

Cover my eyes
Cover my ears
Tell me these words are a lie
It can't be true
That I'm losing you
The sun cannot fall from the sky

Can you hear heaven cry
Tears of an angel(x4)

Stop every clock
Stars are in shock
The river won't run to the sea
I won't let you fly 

I won't say goodbye

I won't let you slip away from me
Can you hear heaven cry
Tears of an angel(x4)

So hold on
Be strong

Everyday, hope will grow
I'm here, don't you fear
Little one, don't let go(x6)

Cover my eyes
Cover my ears
Tell me these words are a lie.

I sob and lifts Moskiro into my arms and carries him outside. Rain pours down heavily as I bury Mos. My song faintly echos as I lay Mos into the ground. "I will get revenge on who ever did this to you and I will make sure that  they suffer." I growl. I pick flowers around and makes a flower crown and places it on Mos's head. I close his eyes and place a wide arrange of flowers into the ground surrounding the body of my friend. I smile softly and then fills the grave. "Good Bye Moskiro. You will be greatly missed and heaven has gained another. I hope that one day we will meet again in a better circumstance." I mutter and carves a head stone. I clutch Moskiro's necklace to my chest tightly as I soar through the sky.  My heart aches greatly as I go over the memories of me and Moskiro. 

Sorry about the wait for a new chapter. I have been trying to figure out what to write. :P

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