Chapter Five

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I sit on the roof of a building and watches humans walk around going about their normal routine. I narrow my eyes at a particular group. They seem to be looking for something or someone particular. I shake my head and climbs down the building my wings hidden and I leave the town and walks in another direction. As I walk I reach a meadow. Suddenly angels surround me their white and light brown wings blocking my exits. "Angel of War Vesper. We have finally found you. You must now be killed and the balance restored." One says. I build up saliva and spits at them. "I won't go down easily. " I growl and spreads my wings. We begin to battle using our spells and magic. I am thrown through the air and I hit the ground hard. I spit out blood and looks at the others. "You put up more of a fight than that scrawny boy you had hanging onto you." one says. "So you're the ones that killed Moskiro. He was just a boy. He had a life. But you took that from him." I growl lowly then I look up at them an dark gleam in my eyes. "Now you will get the same treatment. I hope you are stripped of your wings and sent to rot in hell!" I snarl and launch myself at the other angels. Soon I defeat them and their blood lightly coats the grass, trees and myself. I hide my wings and burns the body's of the angels. I walk away from the roaring blaze. I hum to myself while holding the charm of Mos's necklace in my hand.  I enter a forest and a few miles in I am pinned to the ground. I struggle and fight to get the male off me.  "So you're the one that keeps escaping the proxies. I can't wait to rub it in their faces that I caught you and they didn't." The male says. I roll my eyes and finally throws the male off me.  I turn to face him. I cross my arms and sighs. 

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