So much Shima

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Daisies POV: oh god, ohgodohgodohgod! Tyler is kissing me! i know i is an accedent... but i liked it, but he quickley backed away "D-Daisy im sorry!" he said, his face as red as mine so i guess he actually might have liked it... right? "um... its fine..." "lets not tell the others.." "o-ok..." I will never forget that, i need to find out if he likes me back!

Tylers POV: ****! i cant believe i did that! we just stood there, not knowing what to say, my face was still burning, and i don't know about her, but i enjoyed that, i kiiinda had a huge crush on her,

Then i noticed Lilac was waking up, we both acted normal, but Daisy seemed to be staring into space again "ugh hey guys" Lilac said sitting up "oh hey Lilac..." "uh Daisy you okay?" i nudged her and she looked up "oh.... hey Lilac..."

Lilacs POV:

Daisy was acting really weird, and her face was REALLY red... what the heck was she thinking about?!

"uhhh ok lets wake up everyone we need to do something today" she said shaking Ashley "ah! w-what?!" Said Ashley "geeeeet uuup!!!" yelled Lilac, Mitch and Jerome sat up "ugh fine, jus sayin we were awake the entire time" said Jerome laighing, staring at Daisy and Tyler, whos faces went right back to being red "ok im not even going to ask... so lets divide up into two groups, Jerome, Mitch, Ashley, and Daisy, go work on buildin another house, me and Tyler will look for more recruits!" "hey you want some help?" We turned to see Shima outside the door "um, i just thought i could help you look for more recruits" "ok sure, lets get started, i dont know how long we slept in" so all of us left the house and split up

Shimas POV:

"So should we go to the village near us?" said Lilac, my eyes widened in fear "u-um no... We will probobly have better chances somewhere else..." i lied, lets just say im not exactly welcome there because of my reputation "ok..." Lilac said getting out her map "lets go here!" she said pointing to a town labeled 'green country' on the other side of a forest "then lets go already!" said Tyler, an we began walking in the direction of the town

*to green country!*

We arrived at the town, it was pretty crowded " this is a lot like last time..." muttered Lilac "well lets just ask someone" i said, Tyler walked over to an older girl, maybe about 17 "um, hey!" he said, the girl looked over "what" "we wanted to ask you what your opinion is on Notch" "umm... hes a nice guy, hey did you hear about what herobrine did to one of the eastern towns? dang that guy should have been killed, not banished!" "Uh, ok thanks..." said Tyler, backing away, he came back over to us "well lets try someone else" we tried person after person, but no luck, Lilac slid her back down a wall in defeat "ugh its almost night and we haven't found anyone!, We should head back..." Tyler sighed, "yea we better hurry, too bad we didn't find anyone..." "well lets go then" said Lilac, walking out of the village

*to house*

We made it back just as the sun was setting, and there was another building in a clearing not too far from my house, it looked nice "wow they are good builders" i said, then i saw Daisy, Mich, Jerome, and Ashley run over to us "hey! any luck?" asked Daisy "no..." i said, "dang... well at least we have our own house tonight!" Daisy said excited, then she looked at me "do you wanna come?" "no, i like my house" I said, but that was only half of it "ok, well the sun is setting we better get inside, see ya tomorrow Shima!" said Lilac, walking of with everyone towards their house, and i headed to mine, i waked inside and say down on my bed just thinking about life, i was about to fall asleep when i heard loud noises coming from outside "ugh..." I groaned "what is that?!" i looked out my window and saw a bunch of mobs crowded around something, i grabbed my sword and went to see what was happening, i quietly opened my door and tried to get a better look, but one of the spiders noticed me and hissed loudly i gasped and deflected an arrow, swung by sword at a creeper, i notices there was someone on the ground next to me, he groaned and slowly got up as i kicked a skeleton, disarming it, i grabbed the boys hand and pulled him up, he focused and immediately? picked up his sword, "who are you?" He asked "not important, we're both in danger now fight!" i said ducking a spider while he stabbed a zombie, we were doing fine but mobs were spawning more and more, i began using my magic a little, hoping he wouldn't notice, but it wasn't enough, then i heard someone shout in the distance, i turned around and saw Lilac and her friends running toward us, holding swords and bows, i smiled, knocking a creeper back with my magic. but even with all of us fighting, the mobs were overwhelming "guys we have to get inside!" i yelled, they began running for the nearest house, which was mine, while i was distracted a accidentally shot the boy with knock back magic, he felt into a tree, i gasped ad ran over to him, he was still conscious, but definitely unable to focus, i tried i pick him up, but he was too heavy, i had no choice but to levitate him, i hoped the others weren't watching, i sprinted for the house and shut the door quickly, i set the boy down on a bed just as he passes out, i finally got a better look at him in the light, my eyes widened in shock, i couldn't believe it... "T-Ty!"

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