Chapter 7 - Will You Be By Me?

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will you be by me? - wallpaper airplanes

"The sound of your voice calms the waves of calamity within my soul."


The next few weeks went by like the snap of a finger. The days came and went and working at Mari's kept me busy with most of my free time occupied by hanging out with Wen, Jo and Kit. I was able to avoid Ricky as best as possible and I could tell he was doing the same.

It was clear for anyone that we didn't like each other and even though Jo is friends with him I'm not about trying to hide my dislike towards him so by now she stopped trying to get us in the same place. At Mari's the only topic by now seemed to be Carla's wedding. Everyone was pretty excited about it, much more than I have ever seen anyone about a wedding.

I was able to involuntarily collect some information about the event, like that they were getting wed at the beach and then the party is happening at Mari's. There hasn't been a day in the last 2 weeks where the counter wasn't cluttered with decorations or magazine pages with a wedding theme. No one seemed to be bothered by it. Lots of the customers lived in the town so they asked Carla and Dani so many questions that it felt like Kit and I were the only ones working at this point.

"Hero, do we have any calamari left?" Kit asks me, approaching me while running her hands over her hair and lightly damp forehead. I kind of got used to the heat here but it was getting hotter every day now that the Australian summer is starting. It's still weird to think it's December now, freezing cold back home and here summer was just starting.

"We got one box left. I put them behind the salmon, they were in the way." I answer her, looking up from filling up the salt shaker.

Alright, thank you!" She says, skipping past me.

"Could you get me a stash of napkins when you're back anyway?" I call after her, screwing the lid of one of the shakers close.

"Got it!" Kit shouts back and I chuckle, wiping the salt that missed the shaker away.

"Hero!" I look up when the familiar voice calls my name, red hair approaching me.

"I just asked Kit to get napkins, she should be back in a second." I tell her and Dani shakes her head, placing her hands on the counter in front of m that was the only place not scattered with wedding ideas.

"Have you thought about the wedding?" She asks and I look at her. I knew what she was getting at but I didn't really want to deal with that right now.

"What about it?" I ask, pretending like I didn't know what she was talking about. She didn't see to notice though.

"If you want to go with my niece." She says happily and I sigh. It felt like a lifetime ago when she first asked me about it even though it were only a couple of months.

"I dont know, I-" I start but she waves her hands, cutting me off.

"She'll be here nonetheless so you still have a little bit time." She says and I press my lips together, nodding. I look past her when the little bell above the main door rings through Mari's. The corners of my lips twitch up in a small smile when I see the blonde entering and I look back at Dani.

"I'll get back to you." I say and that seems to satisfy her because she nods and gives my shoulder a small pat before turning around to get back to whatever she was doing before. I look back towards the door just when Jo turns her head and she gives me a small wave and a soft smile. I didn't even notice that her cousin was with her and I watch Jo lean towards her and say something before making her way over to me.

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