Chapter 14 - Conversation

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conversation - catfish & the bottlemen

"When the perfect conversation looks you in the eyes and they get what you've been saying
this whole time, you can look for complications all your life, but you ain't gonna find much better than this."


"Imagine being given a list of all the people who made you into the person you are today. And next to their name you could see the exact personality trait you got because of them." Jo whispers, a grin spreading on her face as I knit my eyebrows together.

"Mmm.. you start." Jo rolls her eyes, adjusting the pillow under her head and wiggling a little closer to me. We were laying on her bed, the sound of birds chirping the only sound besides our whispers. Glancing at the clock behind Jo, the time read 6:43 AM, Christmas Day. We spent Christmas Eve at my aunt's house so Jo's mom insisted on inviting us over for the morning so we could all go to the beach to celebrate the day with the community here and I went home with them straight after we finished dinner. Jo woke me up about 30 minutes ago, saying she couldn't sleep anymore even though we only got here about 5 and a half hours ago. To be honest, I didn't mind.

"You say what personality traits I have and I tell you from who." Jo suggests and I chuckle, nodding my head before licking my lips and looking into her eyes.

"You're... noisy." I say and Jo smacks my arm, making me laugh out loud for a second. "I'm kidding. Well, half-kidding." I say and Jo smacks my arm again, this time harder. "Heyy! Alright, alright, seriously now." I say and Jo nods.

"You're... outspoken." I start.

"My mom, for sure."

"You're... honest."

"Also my mom but also Viv."




"Mom, again."


"Why thank you, Davies. Also my mum."

"Geez, should I just call you Dana." I chuckle and Jo scrunches her nose.

"Please don't." We both giggle and Jo scoops even closer, intertwining our legs and I wrap my arm around her and pull her close to my chest.

"What about your dad? What do you have from him? Or through him, I guess." I ask quietly, feeling her sigh against my chest.

"I don't know, I feel like I really only like, developed myself, I guess, after he moved away but maybe hard-working? I wanted to go to America ever since, at first because of him but now because of me, you know. I think I would be good there." I listen intently, stroking the hair of the woman in my arms and placing a kiss on top of her head.

"Do you miss him a lot?" I ask and Jo shrugs.

"On holidays I do, but we facetime every two weeks. Also, I understand that he can't fly over since he has a family on his own now."

"They are your family too, kind of, aren't they?" I say and Jo looks up at me.

"They are but I don't really think of blood-relation making family, you know? I don't really know them. My family is here, mom, Viv, Wen, Ricky, Kit, Mari and you, of course." I smile at her words before gently placing a kiss on her lips.

"I feel the same." I whisper and Jo smiles at me, turning in my arms and pressing her lips to mine again.

I don't remember when we fell back asleep but I wake up again by the loud knocking on Jo's bedroom door. "Mmm?" I hum loudly, pulling the bedsheets over my head.

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