Chapter 10~ Who are You?

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Days have passed since Rumplestiltskin and Belle discovered Rosaline's magical capabilities. Now they would have to make life as normal as possible for everyone. A stranger in Storybrooke would cause an eruption of questions.

"Rumple! Are you ready yet? The shop's hours start in a few minutes and you aren't even in the car." Rumple appeared in a cloud near Belle.

"Because I have you here..." They kissed but were then awkwardly interrupted by their new addition.

"...Okay......" Whoops. Caught in the action the embrace quickly separated. "I'll try to find that book today. The one with everyone's relations to one another."

"We'll be at the library.." At least the addition had something in common with both of her parents. Magic and a love of books.

"Will the library open soon Mother?"

"Possibly. The last sections need to be cleaned up and organized."

"I'm headed to the shop now, you know to call if you need me."

Belle's PoV

Rumple and I hadn't had much time to be a couple. Well a normal couple. Every chance for romance was interrupted somehow. The last one being the biggest change in our lives. A daughter.

I loved Rosaline, even in the short spanse I'd known her. The matter of her loving books gave us a ground on which to bond with one another.

Getting her around in Storybrooke ; however, was a whole other challenge in its own.

"So today we'll see how many residents you can put to the correct story, then we'll have finished the last sections of the library and we can come home for a quick lunch. Leading to the opening of the library eventually."

"I feel prepared for this. Whenever you're ready."


"Princess Leia? Who's that?"

"I don't know. She's in the book. Blonde..looks like....Emma Swan from the Charming's story."

"Lemme see this." It was Emma. How'd she get Leia as her name? When had this story even occurred? "Strange..but yes that would be who she matches up with here."

Well Rosaline knew everyone in Storybrooke by now, just not on a personal level, and the bookshelves were still in need of a tidying up.

"Shall we?"

Before I could grab a book they were all floating into their respective positions on the shelves. I guess Rosaline had used her magic as a means of assistance in everyday life. But did her powers have a greater ability?

"Haha, thank you. That would've taken me a good part of an hour, and a little bit for a break."

Just then the door to the library opened.

"Belle? Did you see Emma in the book yet? She's finally-" He saw Rosaline. " the book....Who...who are you?"

And there was Henry.

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