Chapter 24~ An Unpleasant Reunion

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Rosaline's PoV

My head was throbbing. What happened? All I remember was that I'd been babysitting Chip and Henry had come over. He had soon fell asleep in my arms so I'd placed him in the down in the cradle. Then nothing...this didn't feel right, if I'd fallen asleep I'd still be home..

This wasn't my home..this wasn't even indoors. I was in some large tent. Like the Enchanted Forest. I was in a camp. How I'd ended up here I desperately wanted to know.

"He-hello?" A man older than I entered what I assumed was his tent.

"Oh good you're up...I was afraid you'd miss tonight's festivities..." He was clearly drunk but not of alcohol solely, something more than just purely drunk. Lust filled..He wanted more than just a festive filled night.

"Who are you? Why am I here?"

"Oh..well..I usually don't tell wenches who I am...but in your case I'll make an exception." Wench? I was no ones wench! Nor their servant!

"You must have the wrong person. I'm no wench. Nor servant."

"Lying on our seco-I mean first night together..."

"What do you mean, together?" I swear I could rip his throat out right now. No don't resort to that..father would never approve..he's tried to calm that part of him, you can do the same...

"Oh that's not of your concern! Darling...come weren't this against our conversation last evening..." I haven't been awake at all..He attempted to kiss me, I lurched back.

"Get away from me."

"Not until your master comes for you. Belle..." He almost teased me with his words. He gripped my face.

They thought I was my mother...what did these people want from her?

"I'm not Belle!"

"We stole you from Rumplestiltskin's home. You held a child in your arms, his child. Of course you're Belle. Or someone he trusts.. probably cares'll still be of use to us.."

Someone entered quickly, whispered in this man's ear and left. A look of realization came over him.

"....Daughter of Rumplestiltskin. Shame, you look just like your mother, and that beast corrupted you as well." He nearly spat those words. A teenager walked in.

"Damn you!!"

I lurched at him only to realize I was shackled to the bed. Wait until I blast these off...magic wouldn't break made them more constraining...

"Oh you thought it was going to be simple? Magic and "Aha!" sorry my dear but I don't play fair." This child teased me..

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" I was finished with this child. I still glared at the man.

"That's enough Gaston. Thank you for the work you've done so far." Gaston? Mother's ex-betrothed? What was he doing here? Why was he kissing me?

"My end of the deal will be held?" The boy nodded. The man walked out, nodding in respect to the teenager.

"Now..that...Well let's just say that you should respect your elders." He wasn't near older than me.

"I meant your name child."

"Daddy didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what..."

"You're my granddaughter..." Liar. Moe was back in Storybrooke.

"There's no way that-"

"Peter!!" Another voice cried.

Peter...Peter...PETER PAN?!? But he was dead..


So....a twist on where I was originally going but inspiration happens and I'll try to make it work! (Which it will somehow)

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