Chapter 17~Granny's

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Rumple's PoV

Waking up next to my Belle was the best part about mornings. Seeing her before anything bad could happen, completely peaceful.

Belle's PoV

Rumple sighed as I turned over to him.

"Now the worst part of mornings, getting up.."

"Well we could stay for just a while longer." Kissing him made the morning better already. Not to mention the warm smell of breakfast being cooked.

"Rosaline's making us breakfast and we're just in here...cuddling. How did we not starve before?" I stifled a giggle.

"That's a good question my dear.."

Finally our stomachs could wait no more as the smells were intoxicating. Driven by hunger we strolled downstairs to our daughter setting the table.

"Hope you like it." Eggs, bacon, sausage and waffles were our morning entreé.

"Looks delicious dearie."

"I owe Henry lunch today so I'll be skipping most of the meal this morning."

"Why do you owe Henry lunch?"

"We made a deal that if he could beat me in some form or another I'd owe him lunch at Granny's. And I lost so a deal's a deal."

Deals were Rumple's strongsuit. She was a little bit of both of us.

"A deal huh? Already defining yourself in the penitent of making deals. Much like your father."

12:30 p.m.

Rosaline's PoV

What was taking Henry so long? You'd figure a free meal would have gotten him in here sooner.

Something in the bushes rustled.

"Ha!" Henry jumped from the bushes with the wooden swords in tow, he threw one towards me. "I'll beat you again!"

Not so fast Henry. You beat me once, I stumbled, you've so much more to learn.

Swinging our swords at one another became more and more honed. The movements swifter and aimed.

"Aunt Rosaline you're not letting me win are you?"

Maybe I was..Well he asked for it. I came back with less teacher more warrior and soon had Henry surrendering to me.

"Beat you." I smiled.

Granny's Diner

Henry's PoV

We walked into the diner and sat down, Ruby walked over.

"Hey Henry, and..your name?"

"Rosaline." How was I so stupid? Letting Rosaline come in here with no real explanation of who she was and where she came from.

"I don't believe we've met. I'm Ruby."

"You're the wolf?"

"Yes, so, uh, what would you like to drink?"

The bell at the front rang.


"Yes Mom?" Oh this will go over well.

"Who's your friend?" The same question, how does my aunt deal with..oh wait she doesn't exactly go out like the rest of us...

"Her name's Rosaline. She's, kinda related..."


"I'm his aunt." Regina's face said it all.

"You're not related to-"

"Mom, she's my other grandpa's daughter."

"Rumplestiltskin? Rumplestiltskin's your father? But you seem less than half of Belle's age.."

"That's where it's quite complicated."


Long chapter!

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