Chapter 22~Pregnancy

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Thanks to OUATforever12 AmyNewman4 SunRider5 for their continued support of the story and ideas! Follow them and read their wonderful works!

Belle's PoV

A couple months earlier..

"Mother, you shouldn't be up and down like that. You know what the doctor said about how much activity you should be exerting yourself with."

"Snow was perfectly fine with hers, she was even possessed by Cora and Neal has turned out fine."

"That was her second time going through pregnancy, this is your first."

Someone seemed knowledgeable about this.

"You've been reading through the file haven't you?"

"I have to make sure you're alright. I couldn't bear to lose you."

"And I you."

"Love you Mother.."

Emma's PoV

Henry had been dying for this one book, so I decided to see if Belle had one down in the library. A nice gift before I told him the news. Engagement news..

I walked in, smells of new and old books everywhere, and to my surprise a much rounded Belle. I didn't mean busy either.

"Hi Emma! Can I get you anything?" Rosaline beat Belle to my aid.

Rosaline's PoV

Mother needed to sit down, she had already become sleepless, let alone moving books all day long, then wanting to cook full on meals with us. I didn't need her collapsing from exhaustion.

"Mother, relax okay? Think of this as my training course."

Emma's PoV

I'd almost forgotten that Rosaline was my...uh..Henry's aunt. My thinking mind was in a different place at the moment.

"You know there's this book Henry's been wanting for some time, and I came by to see if you had it?"

"You recall the title?"

"Alternative Stories to the Classics." Spinoffs of our my son.

"You know I think we do. Hold on." Rosaline disappeared into the back room.

"'s mommy life going?"

"You mean the child half my age or the developing one? I know you've seen it, I saw your reaction walking in, I'm that round already huh? Rumple won't tell me otherwise."

"Either or both?" Just trying to make this less awkward.

"Both are doing fine, I'm only annoyed that my own daughter won't allow me to work. I'm surprised she isn't transporting me everywhere."

"She's just concerned for you and the baby. If I know anything about you, I know you enjoy pushing yourself to limits. The baby might not appreciate that factor right now." She laughed.

"I guess you're right will Hook be joining the vast family yet? I saw your ring."

"Girl talk huh? I guess so."

Belle yelled. "Now if my daughter would so kindly allow me to hug you-"

"No too tight of hugs!"

I laughed now. "She'll be one heck of a big sister. And babysitter. I've seen how she interacts with Henry, she's got a gift with kids." I hugged Belle, slightly, you never know where Rosaline may be.

"It's been good seeing you again Emma. I haven't had much socialization besides the two I live with."

"Should I have Mom give some advice? I'm sure she'd be delighted to."

"If it's convenient for her. Sure."

"I've found it! Here you go Emma. Let Henry know I say hi." She flashed a smile.

"I'll see you two around."

Months now pass..

Belle's PoV

"Rumple come here quick!"

"You alright?!"

"Here." I placed his hand on my stomach. The baby was kicking. A little bit of happy tears began to form in his eyes. "The baby's doing great. And soon will be in the world with us."

Rumple had been working on making the nursery perfect. Every little detail, he'd even laced some of the animals in a gold shimmer, as a tribute to our family name. I've only seen him this excited when we we're becoming married, adding Rosaline to the family and him finding out about the pregnancy.

"Rosaline come here. I want you here as well." Rumple beckoned her down. "Feel your sibling in there?"

"Soon enough I'll really be able to hold you, and train you like Henry, then we can read all day long." She'd said it in such a short breath. She couldn't be more anxious and excited.

"Will I have any time with my son Rose?"

Rosaline's PoV

Mother shortening my name to Rose made me feel more a part of her and Rumple's story and family. It was after all his most direct gift to her all those years ago..

Rumple's PoV

Here we were. My family was finally happy, a newborn on the way would certainly bring even more light into our lives. Feeling that child move inside of my dear wife, seeing her and our daughter beaming with pride. Everything couldn't be more perfect. Until the moment must pass.


A little bit of an insight as to Mama Belle's pregnancy!

Rosaline acting like a big sister already!

Rumple being the most amazing husband ever!

#Captainswan thrown in there for my dearies!

Comments are welcome!!

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