Chapter 27~Ready Now?

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Rumple's PoV

Peter had specified that I cast a spell when the time had come. This time would be my only visual of mine and Belle's daughter.

"Belle!" She'd been nervous all night about this. What would we see?

"Are you ready Rumple?" Nodding I cast a portal-like window in front of us. There was Rosaline.

She was screaming. Blood-curdling screams with tears to wet her throat. Torture was being enacted upon her. Her cries were for us..her family..she wanted us to be left alone..she would take anything if it meant we weren't being harmed..what was she seeing?

Peter's voice came over.

"See what you've done to her? She thinks you are being tortured as we speak. Her thoughts are only of you and not one of herself. She desires that any and all punishment we undo to you be revoked and done to her. She'll take any punishment away from you. She'll die for you...though I doubt you know anything of that Laddie.."

"I'll murder the lot of you!"

"No, you won't...unless you want her dead as well.." He laughed. "Oh! Where are my condolences? Sweet Belle? I know you've been searching your pretty little head for who's voice that was..I can assure you, both you and my son have met him. You even grew up with him, betrothed in fact...Now I think that's enough for today."

The portal closed without my consent. Gaston!? He's the one working for Pan now?! Too many emotions were coming up.

Belle was racked with sobs. I tried to console her, she just turned up to me red faced and leaned into me.


"Alive. At least she's alive. Think of it as a sign. She is standing strong. Rosaline's being defiant in a dangerous situation.." Think of something..

"Where do you think she received those traits from?...Belle she's like you..She's being strong for her family..Looking danger in the face and telling it I'm not afraid of you. You do not scare me, and I will fight you for forever if I must."

Belle looked up.

"You know how Pan works. You and I both know he won't get what he wants. She'll be fighting a never-ending battle. Because of us.." Belle was broken.

Rosaline's PoV

Months later...

"Where are you taking me now? Somewhere to actually end me? Or are you too afraid of Rumplestiltskin? You call him a coward but look at you. He'll face who he must, you use me against him."

I was lurched forward. Tripping over my own feet on the forest floor. Clumsy, but not completely downed.

"Shut up you. You're nothing but a servant. A wench that can get us what we want. So I would suggest shutting up every once in awhile." Damn you Bandit..

"And if I don't?" Have them tell me everything. Learn their plans.

"We have our ways of making sure you do."

Being thrown down once more was not a pleasant experience. Especially into a small pond where the freezing water pierces your mind. More torture...

Pan stood there. Watching to see how much he could get from me. Not much you aren't worth anything near my aren't my family...

"Your name?" What? He already knew that.

"Rosaline..?" He nodded. And with that nod I went under.

The water screamed inside my head. Deluded my thoughts as if they were grains of salt dissolving into nothing.

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