Chapter 16~Training

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Rosaline's PoV

As I arrived at the Charming residence Henry bolted out of the door, excitement plastered on his face.

"Aunt Rosaline! Hi!" He trotted down the stairs. "I'm so ready to practice! I even listened to David tell some of his old stories just for some background knowledge."

He was quite the eager young man.

I tossed aside my bag and withdrew two wooden swords.

"They look so real..minus the wood portion of course."

"That's because I created them based off of my own. Weight and all except for the deadly part of the show."

Henry laughed. In all the chaos his..I guess our family goes through he still retained some childlike desires.

"Now how you want to begin is with a strong stance and grip on the sword. If you don't have a grip and good stance then you're much easier to disarm and knock down into submission. Which is the polar opposite of where you want to be."

"Stance and grip, got it."

As Henry lowered into position I struck, surprising him as was planned. In battle they won't wait for you to position yourself completely.

Henry's PoV

Yeesh. Talk about a teacher who teaches hands on.

Rosaline had already begun to strike, before I'd even gotten into position, luckily I had already gotten my grip on the sword and parried her blow.

"Hey not too bad kid." Emma? I thought she was still at work. "You on the other hand, make sure you give him some pointers so he can beat my father." She laughed.

"We'll see on that. Emma would you like to join us? A little Enchanted Forest to add to your repitore?"

"Yeah Mom. Maybe both of us can beat her?"

So on our afternoon went. Swords made their usual contacts and tricks were learned and made up. Emma sat down on the lawn watching me and my aunt.

"Alright if you can either knock the sword out of my hand, knock me down into submission, or any type of 'beating me' in two minutes or less I owe you Granny's. Deal?"

She's definitely got some Rumplestiltskin in her. Making deals already.

"And if I can't?"

"You owe me a story." A story. That's it?

"Deal. Prepare to owe me a burger!"

I lunged at her outstretched arm. Her movements were swift and she dodged my attack, swiping she attacked the blade.

"Ha! Got you!" Not for long.

I took the time she took to reconvene and struck. Just like before.

"Ah! Hey you're getting better at this!"

"Or you're just losing it haha!" Playful teases were nice now.

Thirty seconds. Its now or never.

Swinging with more drive than before Rosaline's sword tripped up a bit as she was unfamiliar with the concrete unlike I was and I soon had it down on the ground.

"Ha! Modern boy got you this time!"

"Alright alright I owe you Granny's. Just come by the library tomorrow and we'll go fetch some lunch."


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