Chapter 42~Empty Rooms

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Weeks Later....

Rosaline's PoV

"You know Felix, the house is quite empty, seems less of a home that way."

There was the "starter" home furnishings, just not those special touches.

"I agree with you. Perhaps we'll just have to fill it. Maybe with more than just furniture?"

Was he suggesting?

"You've got me." He smirked.

"You read minds now? Or did my face tell all?"

"Facial expressions can tell many things."

"You would be ready for of our own?" It was sudden but..

"As long as my wife desires one too.." He bent over and kissed me.

"Work first," I said, nearly scolding him "then we can come back to this.." I kissed him back.

"With you to come home to, the days seem endless."

Felix worked with Emma and David down at the station, occasionally going out on jobs, but was mainly a record keeper for the moment.

"What? Feeling the longing to come home after having to watch Captain Guyliner and Em give yearning looks at each other all day?"

"Only because you have the same look in your eyes when we're together."

I had to shove him slightly.

"Go before you're late. I'll be here. After the library, and if Mother allows me to leave before updating her again. She isn't handling this as well as I thought she would." Felix walked out the door, laughing.

The emptiness of the house was even more striking now that Felix had left. I had almost two hours to myself before the library opened. What to do?

Well as I saw what our future may soon hold, I had begun the process of which room and which purpose, or it's possible future. I still didn't believe Felix wanted..a family. But at the same time I believed every word..

What would Father and Mother say? Knowing they'd be grandparents to another child? Probably quite happy about the whole ordeal, if it was to come to pass.

The clock rang, knocking me out of my trance-like state. I locked the door and headed to the library.

Henry's PoV

My class was headed to the Storybrooke Library for a research project, seeing as the books in our library needed serious updates. As we all hopped on the bus I couldn't help but feel excited. I said down next to Grace.

"Why are you so excited? What do you have going down at the library?"


"Let me guess, your extensive family works there too. So this is just a visit for you. Hmm?" I nodded then laughed. I did have quite the family.

"My grandmother and aunt."

We soon pulled onto the library's street, we'd have to walk a ways due to the small streets. I was certainly the happiest one to be here.

Belle's PoV

"How may we help all of you? Non-fiction is towards the last sections of the front, then fiction is near the other half. Rosaline or I can assist you if needed. Welcome to the Storybrooke Library."

"Look who's been practicing." Rosaline snickered.

"You're not getting out of here without letting me know the latest news. Schoolchildren or not."

Henry began to talk up Rose about certain topics when one of his friends yelled. It was slightly louder than the rest of the library.

"Hey Henry! Quit flirting with the librarian and come here!" He gestured a "I'm not flirting with her" and it caused a laughter among the boys. Some of the girls giggled as well.

"Seeing that we're his grandmother and aunt, both married, I don't think there's much flirtation between us going on."

That received several "ohs" and the rest of the visit went smoothly. Many of them took more books than just for research, making myself happy for a while. Although saddened me to have to watch all of the kids leave, it was soon back to me and my daughter.

"So Rose? Anything new come up so far?"

"Well..I did receive quite the shock from Felix this morning." I waved my hand to usher more out of her. "He-uh-wants to begin a family."

"That's wonderful! I can't wait for my other..grandchildren!" Yikes, grandmother. Now I know how Colette must've felt.

"Haha, so who'd be the youngest grandmother you or Snow?" I would..only by a smidgen but still.

"I would be, though we're cutting it close...And I'm assuming you don't want to tell Rumple until this actually occurs?" She nodded. Then the clock struck closing. Rose was closing today and this left me with my thoughts.

My daughter a mother? I could see it, though at the same time she still seemed to be that young woman we'd found lost and confused about the world we lived in. Time had flown, Chip was nearly one and half. My daughter would most likely be expecting soon, if all went well for her and Felix..

Felix's PoV

If I could get home before Rose, I could..Oh what can I do? I'm hopelessly lost, and still nervous about what Rosaline's thoughts have been about what I said this morning. I hoped she felt as strongly as I did. If a family were to occur between us, which I hoped would, there would be much preparation to do. Being the two of us, we didn't exactly need the greatest amount of furnishings. But with children there would be much more.

Rose walking in interrupted my thoughts. I kissed her softly.

"So..before work..where were we?" Oh.

"That's a tough one.." I picked her up, we went to our bedroom where the night could've lasted forever, and we would've enjoyed it all the more...


Relix Tacos!

Sorry for a short chapter but I've been becoming a bit busy. Tomorrow could hold another update, (being that time is nice) as I want to give you guys quality.

Also...if you know where I'm headed quite soon in Relix world, I've dropped a subtle hint within the chapter! (Depending how you look at it maybe two)

**three now.....**

Comment or message me what your guesses are!

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Love you all!!

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