Chapter 29~I've Found You

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Belle's PoV

Rumple hadn't given me much of an explanation, only to put on shoes to go through the forest. I knew he hated the heels but..

"Will you ever tell me where exactly we're going and why?" There were a handful of forests around Storybrooke.

"It's about Rosaline. Did you call the Charming's?"

"Yes they said they'd meet us there." I'd only given one of Rumple's riddles which I guess they knew.

"Good. Now Chip is going to be with Snow and Neal correct?" I nodded. Apparently I wasn't going to be watching our son as I was needed..actually needed..for whatever this was that we were going for.

Driving to the most heavily wooded forest the level of eagerness heightened.

"She's somewhere in here you said?" Ruby had shown up although I didn't recall asking her to. I guess it would be helpful to have some sort of lead to my daughter.

"What the message said." Rumple was becoming uneasy.

"I guess we can expect an ambush huh?" Emma held her holster. I shivered. Haven't trusted guns since Hook had shot me. Even if he was with us now.

"That would be expected from Pan love." Hook had apparently gotten the hint of something going on. Probably because Emma came..

"Are you alright? You seem a little distant." Ruby had noticed the conflict on my face.

"Yes. It's just..what will she think of us?" She'd suffered so much for us..

Ruby began to sniff for any trace of Rosaline.

"I can't catch any scent of her. It's like she just is there somewhere."

Our little band of princes, princesses, fighters, lovers, and family entered the thick, dark treeline. Weapons of new and old world close at hand.


Rosaline's PoV

These woods were so dark and lonely. No one would've willingly just come here. Would they? A twig snapped.

"Hello? Anyone there?" Nothing. Just as I said.

I laid down next to a great tree's trunk. Tears streamed from my eyes. All alone again..

Alone? Again? I'd only just become lonely. Hadn't I? My head soon forgot these thoughts and I wept until a light sleep faded my world to dark.

Belle's PoV

"She has to be somewhere in these woods.." Rumple was quickly becoming angered.

"Gold, going at your pace isn't helping the detailed search we're trying to do."

Ruby caught on a scent. She gestured for us all to follow. We all soon came to several trees in a semi circle.

"Rosaline! You there?"

A very dazed, confused, and battered young woman sat up. Her dress was torn, but as if a human had done it..

Rumple had gotten to her first.

"Rosaline! Oh I've missed you.." He held her for a moment until she pushed him away.

"Rosaline?! Who-Who's Rosaline!?"

It was that moment..those words...words that'd already broken Rumple's heart once before...words that now broke two hearts..she'd uttered the same words that I had when I crossed the line..she was gone and didn't know that she was..

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