Chapter 13~ How Right You Are..

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Rosaline's PoV

There was a woman in blue. A man in brown.

"Father? Mother? Where are you....wait for me!"

They didn't stop. Did they not hear my screams? Didn't they see me?

"Bae's dead...he's gone...forever....he was a hero...he became the opposite of his father...he was a hero...."


The voices we're fading. brother? Our parents were saying vows?

Nothingness surrounded me. Then images played in front of me..

You're the daughter of true love and're the daughter of Belle and Rumplestiltskin....some want you are powerful....take them home...take them all home...

Consciousness wasn't coming back yet. I could hear the voices. I couldn't reply.

"What happened...." Doctor Wales..

"I don't know she was fine then she went down.." Belle...

"Who is she?" Emma..

"I can explain later..." Henry...

"She's going into shock!" A nurse...

Monsters and beings were maniacally laughing and taunting. Distorted images of my family screaming in pain. Sounds of murder and torture rang in my head. No. Stop this now...I was becoming weaker by the second.

Somebody are family needs me...

Belle's PoV

Tears were streaming down my face. She was protecting us and I had promised to do that for her... Now she was in a hospital bed, unconscious.

"Oh, Rumple..What are we going to do?" I leaned on his shoulder.

"Wait for now..Wales is doing what he can."

Screams came from a room down the corridor. Rosaline?

Rosaline's PoV

What were these beasts doing surrounding me?

"Get away!! Quit grabbing at me! Let me be!!"

I could dammit!

The woman in blue appeared and disappeared..Belle? She became a monster again..

"No! Don't trick me you monster!"

"Rosaline! Rosaline!"

Rumple's PoV

Rosaline was running around and screaming at monsters that weren't there. It was only hospital staff. What was happening with her?

"Belle! Don't chase her! I don't think she's seeing reality!"

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Rosaline screamed in a corner. "Go away! Leave me alone!" Pure terror shot through her green eyes. Tears stained her face.

Rosaline's PoV

I could control my movements but not my mind. Help me please..Somebody..anybody...

Rumple's PoV

"Henry what are you doing?!"

"Waking her up!"


Rosaline's PoV

Oh my head....

"Looks like it worked huh Grandpa?" Henry?

"Yes it does. Good job on your part."

"...Rumple...." He ran to my side. "You really are my father....I saw it...I'm the daughter of true love and loss....of yours and Belle..."

My father's face became perplexed.


"I would assume so..." Rumplestiltskin stumbled and sat down.

Emma had walked in.

"She's awake now huh?...So who are you really?"

"Mom..She's my aunt. She's Rumplestiltskin and Belle's daughter...indirectly but still.."


"I don't know who exactly attacked us back at the library..."

"She defended me..Protected me from him. You owe her that at least."

"Uh huh. So you defeated this giant man by yourself, and would've laid down your life for Henry although you've only just met him?"

"Sounds about right. Except he probably didn't tell you all of it..Did he?"

"All of what? What else haven't I been told?"

"There's the matter of my magic."

"You have magic? Geez can't we have a normal day in Storybrooke?"

"I believe that would be too bland.." I smirked. Being in control of myself was better than anything.

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