Chapter 20~Two Generations

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Moe's PoV

Belle wants me to come to dinner? Just out of nowhere for dinner? I'll go of course, I'm more concerned of the whole purpose as to why. If she wants me to bond with the man I let her marry that may be a more difficult task. We don't exactly have a spotless record with one another.

During her call she seemed somewhat distracted as well, did I hear a girl's voice in the background? No, I must just be hearing things.

I remember when she was young, helpless and needing her father...

Colette's PoV

"Dinner? Absolutely darling."

-"Hey Grandma!" Rosaline seemed to be much happier than when we'd last talked.

"You sound like your mother on the phone, startled me for a minute there. I'm still not used to being called Grandma."

Rosaline's PoV'll have to get used to it. Soon enough there'll be two of us calling you our grandmother.

Colette's PoV

"Until then..Goodbye!"

The entire day was spent preparing not to screw up this dinner. Watch your arms...

Belle's PoV

Both of my parents are coming to dinner, and neither of them know the other's coming. This should go over swell.

"They both said yes Belle?"

"Of course Rosaline. Now it's just what to prepare.."

"Avoiding falling wine glasses?" There's my daughter's humor.

"I think Father will still be shocked about you even being there let alone your magic."

"Which always comes at a price!"*

"Stealing your father's quotes are we?"

"As iconic as they are why not? I am his daughter after all.."

7:30 p.m.

Straightening out the napkins and my husband's tie the doorbell rang.

"Rosaline see if that's Colette. I've never known her to not be early."

"It's Grandma!...Come on in! Dinner will commence shortly."

"We're just waiting on another guest Mother."

"Who would that be?"

"Someone you know quite well."

Colette's PoV

A mystery guest who's only a secret to me? I'll see who it is soon enough I'm sure.

Moe's PoV

I gulped, I'm being ridiculous, this is my daughter not a job interview. I knocked on the door.

"I'll get it." There's my darling Belle. And-

"Colette? Is that really you?" I embraced my wife.

"Haha, Mom this is your mystery guest. Your husband."

"Grandfather?" A girl nearly half Belle's age stood there. I looked at my wife, daughter, and son-in-law. They all made different gestures of saying "she is". "Oh! Mother must've not told you! I'm Rosaline, like the rose but with a little flair."

"Rosaline? So you're the one I heard one the phone?"

"The strange communication box? Yes?"

She couldn't possibly be Belle's birth-daughter, she looks nearly her age. And she's obviously not been in Storybrooke as long as the rest of town, a phone is just something we use here, not even thinking, she doesn't know the proper name for one. This dinner ought to be good.

8:30 p.m.

Belle's PoV

Now I have to tell them..I felt prepared for this two hours ago, now I'm nervous.

We were all sitting on the couches in the living room. Mother and Father were catching up while I sat next to Rumple, holding his hand in my lap. Sitting here isn't going to make anything easier.

"Mom, father?"

"Yes Belle?" They spoke in unison.

"Rumplestiltskin and I wanted to tell you..that..well..we're expecting another child."

Shock. That was all. And silence.

"Belle? My baby is having a baby!"

Rosaline gave me a look of sarcastic "see that wasn't bad you're already letting those hormones get to you". I stifled a laugh.

"That's great news Belle, and Mr.Go-er-son."


The Frenches' now know and have been reunited!

Super long chapter!

Guess what happens next chapter!

* A/N there's some distant foreshadow..what could it be? *Insert Rumple laugh*

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