The Cougar {Co-Written by: teenlock25 & miraclelock}

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I stood there, my dagger at the edge of this poor man's throat. What the hell was I doing?! My father, Sabertooth, had told me that my mission was to find this man (I had not even been told his name.), gather as much information as I could, and end him. So I stood there with my dagger looking at this bloody and bruised man. "This isn't fair," I told myself. I put the dagger down and quickly wrapped my arms around the man's head. One on top, the other below his chin, and I squeezed tightly. Then, he slowly drifted into unconsciousness. I knew this was it. I didn't complete my mission. Stryker and his team would be after me and they would kill me. I was on the run.


(two years later)

She sat in a coffee shop in down town Brooklyn. To her this was an everyday type of thing. Find a town, usually small, stay a week or so, and move on to the next one. To everyone else, though, it looked kind of strange. A fourteen year old girl, all alone, wearing mostly black with sun glasses while it was pouring rain outside.

What she knew that they didn't is that they would probably like her more with her sun glasses then without though. Her eyes were cat-like. They also changed color with her emotions, blue was calm, green was alert, grey was sad, pink was happy, red was angry, purple was scared, and orange was confused. Along with that, like her father, she could make her teeth into fangs on command, and she had heightened senses and more strength then the average thirty year old man. She never really used her real name except with friends, to them she was C.J. which stood for Callie Jordan. Callie Jordan Howlett , but went by Laura most of the time, a name she loved since she was a baby. Even though she moved around a lot, she had people she called when she really needed help.

That's when she could hear them. About fifteen miles out were tanks, choppers, and jeeps filled with soldiers coming her way.


(meanwhile at the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters)

Professor Xavier sat at Cerebro. Then, he had a look on his face like he had found something that had been lost for years.

"Logan," the professor said. "get Scott, Bobby, Kitty, and Storm and meet me on the X-jet." Logan nodded with a confused look. "I have found a most interesting girl, but she need our help. Now, go!"

Once he gathered them up, they left, heading to a coffee shop in down town Brooklyn.


(coffee shop)

C.J.'s POV

They were there. My father and Stryker had found me. Two years on the run and the impossible happened. They brought an army with them. Was I really that much of a threat. I thought to myself. And why would they do this here in front of everyone.

That's when a man walked in. He had a big, tall muscular build, long sandy hair that went to his shoulders. His scent was unbelievably familiar, even if I hadn't seen him in two years. It was my father, Sabertooth.

Then, I heard the steps of soldiers outside of the wall. I slowly went to grab two daggers I had hidden in my tall boots hoping that my father wouldn't notice. That's when I swung the daggers up into an X, and the bullet that had been shot at me from behind was split in half and made two different bullet holes in the wall behind my head.

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