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~~~~~~Third Person POV~~~~~~

C.J. laid unconscious on the hospital grade bed next to Sylvia with Lyle clutching her hand for dear life. She had massive internal bleeding, but Jean had her stable for the moment. Sylvia had an IV with liquid following into her. She had been dehydrated and malnourished. Lyle had his head bandaged, and all he could do was sit there in disbelief.

"Why would she-," Lyle said weakly.

"Lyle, please don't blame her. If you want to blame someone, blame me," she said.

"What do you mean? Why would I blame you?" He questioned.

"Because, she was told either to do what they said or they would kill me," she said sadly. "She was in that position because I was stupid enough to get caught." Tears started to form around the edges of young girl's eyes. "It's all my fault," she said as her voice cracked. Lyle walked over to Sylvia, and she almost immediately leaned into his chest and started sobbing.

"Hey, Sylvia, this isn't anyone's fault, okay? Not yours, not C.J.'s, all the fault belongs to Stryker. There's nothing we can do about it," he said comforting his friend.

Suddenly C.J. lurched forward with a gasp, and her heart monitor went off the charts. Lyle was immediately by her side trying to calm her down.

"C.J., C.J., hey, look at me, it's Lyle, it's me, you're safe," he said soothingly while stroking her hair.

"Lyle?" She said in a shaky voice. "Oh my God! Lyle I'm...I'm-"

"It's okay. I forgive you," he said with a smile. She wrapped her arms around him, and he did the same.

   C.J. got out of her bed and, before Lyle could protest, went Sylvia side.

   "Are you okay?" she asked frantically checking Sylvia over.

   "I'm fine but you really need to rest," she said with a small laugh. C.J. let out a sigh.

   "Do you know how many times I've been told that in these last three weeks?" she asked playfully. Both laughed. Soon Logan and Scott came into the room as C.J. moved back into bed. She winced as the pain finally hit her.

   "I see your feeling better," Scott said with a laugh.

   "A little," C.J. said. "Listen… no hard feelings, right?" She said really nervously.

   "Yeah," Logan said with a small chuckle. "Not any since everything's been explained.

Dear Lovely Readers,
   I've been meaning to apologize for not updating for so long. I've had a lot of school work to catch up to. Thanks for understanding. I would also like to say sorry about this chapter being so short, and thanks to anyone who's kept reading the story this long. YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!! Luv ya!



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