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   I hung out with Sylvia and Lyle the rest of the day then went back to my room. I woke up that morning and got a shower and got dressed like I would every other day. When I went to class, I discovered in most of my classes I had Sylvia or Lyle, sometimes both. I had a feeling that wasn't a coincidence.

   I had never been to a real school before. My father didn't even bother teaching me, but most of the time I was taught telepathically by some chick named Emma Frost. So basically the whole day I was clinging to Sylvia.

   When it was lunch Lyle, Sylvia, and I ate in the court yard. We sat and ate and talked and laughed, which was still kind of strange to me. I mean, these two haven't even asked what my story is. I'm thankful for that. It they really knew who I am they probably wouldn't even look at me.

   After about ten minutes, I noticed an older girl walking toward us. She looked about 17. As far as I could tell she looked like a normal human. I didn't know her, but Lyle seemed to. He had the most irritated look on his face.

   "What do you want Flics?" he said obviously annoyed. "Calm down Lyle, I just came to see my little brother's new friend," she said in a British accent. "Aren't you going to introduce us?"

   "Ugh, Felicity this is C.J. C.J., my sister, Felicity," She held out her hand and I shook it. "Nice to meet you," she said "Call me Flics."

   "Nice to meet you, too, Flics," I simply replied back. "You must be quite the girl," she said smirking. "Lyle hasn't shut up about you since you got here." This made Sylvia practically fall out of her seat from laughter and made me blush. Lyle punched Flics on the shoulder. "Leave. Now." was all Lyle said to her. "Alright, alright, I'm leaving," she said giggling.

   "So you talk about me a lot," I said jokingly to Lyle. I could practically see all of his blood flow to his cheeks. Sylvia was still laughing her butt off.

   "Yes, I do, but only because you're strange," he said. "Oh, so now I'm weird?" I said sarcastically. "No, no that's not what I meant. I just-ugh!" he said while bringing up his hand to cover his face. "Hey," I said getting his attention. "I'm just kidding," I said giggling at his failed attempt to explain.

   The truth is, if I had someone to actually have a conversation with, I would be talking about him. To me he was amazing. Which is totally insane. I have never felt like this for anyone. Do other, normal people feel like this? I mean, every time I see him I feel like I'm about to throw up. Is that a bad thing? I'm so confused, which was an emotion I hadn't felt in along time. I was snapped out of my trance by Sylvia.

   "Hello? Earth to C.J.," Sylvia said snapping her fingers in front of my face. "Oh, uh, right. What were we talking about?" I said. Sylvia kind of stared at me. "What?" I asked confused by her stare. "Um, your eyes just changed color," she said. Suddenly I was self conscious. I'm pretty sure Lyle noticed. He answered for me. "Yeah, they do that," he said to her.

   I quickly changed the subject. "Isn't it almost time for class." I said frantically hoping to get away from this awkward situation. "Yeah," he said I'll see you later Sylv," he said before walking off with me by his side. We walked in silence until we

we're 100% sure we were out of Sylvia's hearing range. "Hey," he said turning to face me. "Don't worry about Sylvia. She didn't mean anything by it. She just isn't used to people looking as different as me and you." That didn't reassure me though. He finally looked at me and said, "Look, when she first came  to this school I was her tour guide. Let's just say she didn't even attempt to talk to me until two months after that," he said finally making me feel better. I continued on with my day.

   Next was math with Hank, a.k.a. "The Beast". Even though he said I was doing really well, I didn't think so. The stuff he gave us was extremely hard for me. I officially decided I hate math. After it though, I was getting up to walk out of class when Hank stopped me. He told me that Professor Xavier wanted to speak to me after school. first day of actual school and I've already started something. I tried to put the thought out of my head as I went to my next class.

   It was  a P.E. type class with Peter, a.k.a. Colossus. Who else would teach P.E.?  I thought with a scoff. I have to say I passed that class with flying colors. Let's just say, that some random dude named Blake challenged me and I kind of kicked his butt at any and all the physical challenges he through at me. Peter told me I could sit for the rest of class plus get a 100 on my grade for that day. I also kind of had a feeling Blake and I weren't going to get along to well.

   My next class was library which is where I got about halfway through Charolette's Web. The end of the school day was fast approaching. I still didn't know why Professor Xavier wanted to see me. I racked my brain for anything I could have possibly done wrong in the last three days. Well…besides almost killing one of his X-men. Besides that I had minded my own business. I was seriously nervous. I felt like I had good reason to be, too. I mean, this man could go into basically any mind he wanted. He could see everything about me if I go in there, and that's if he hasn't picked through my brain already. Him being a telepath though, is all the more reason I can't avoid it either. So let's just see where this goes.

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