Movie Night

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          ~~~~~~Logan's POV~~~~~~

   Scott and I watched from outside the infirmary as Jean checked up on her. Lyle hadn't left her side all night. He fell asleep in a chair beside the hospital issued bed. Sylvia came to with a black eye and a concussion, but C.J. was much worse. I not surprised. He probably knew exactly where to stab herself to lose that much blood. Thank God Lyle was there. We hadn't found her until five minutes later. I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but if Lyle hadn't stopped some of the blood in that five minutes, she probably wouldn't be alive.

   We spent the majority of that night trying to calm Lyle down. He kept blaming himself. He said if he hadn't of come she wouldn't have stabbed herself. The truth was that if he hadn't been there, she would be dead.

   "He's been in there two nights," Scott said in a worried tone.

   "You can't really blame him," I said.

   "Not saying that I am, but I am worried about him." Jean walked out of the room.

   "She not in a coma yet. She still responds to to certain amounts of pain." Jean said. Scott and I both sighed with relief."But she is still unconscious from loss of blood. All we can do now is wait."

   "Okay, but should we leave Lyle in there?" Scott asked.

   "Yeah, let him stay. It's not doing any harm." I said. Scott and Jean nodded, and all three of us walked out.

          ~~~~~~C.J.'s POV~~~~~~

   When I woke up to the shrill beeping of the heart monitor. I tried to sit up, but as I tried pain flowed over my body. So I fell back down to the bed. I tilted head as much as I could to look down at the bandages wrapped around my stomach. I almost forgot I freaking stabbed myself. and to make things better, because I had a inhibitor collar on when it happened, the wound would heal at the normal human rate. I tried to look around the room as much as I could with pain pinning me to the bed. I saw Lyle sleeping.

   "L-Lyle…" I said in a strained voice. I watched his eyes flutter open.

   "C.J.?" he said. "Are you okay?"

   "Yeah, besides the hole in my stomach," I said trying to lighten the mood.

   "C.J.?!?! What were you thinking?! You could have died!" he yelled at me. The truth was that if I wanted to kill myself I would've slit my throat, or I could have cut one of my arteries. But I wasn't in the mood to fight.

   "I was thinking that if I didn't I would have to kill my boyfriend." I said. I he started grinning at me. "What?" I said.

   "Soooo… I'm your boyfriend," he said grinning even more. I started to blush.

   "Shut up," I said. "And will you help me up?" I asked.

   "Um… I don't think I should. Jean said that you should rest," he said. I looked at him annoyed.

   "Well, can you please page Dr.Grey so I can try to convince her that I don't?" I said as Lyle as helped me sit up.

   "Okay, I'll try."

   So after about a half-hour argument with Jean she finally decided it would be okay for me to go upstairs. So I got a pair of crutches, and with Lyle staying at my side, I walked to the elevator. When we got upstairs I figured it was about 5 in the afternoon, with only about 10 to 20 kids out of their rooms.

   "Hey, I think someone wants to see you," he said as I turned to see someone running towards me. It was Sylvia. Lyle slowed her as she approached making sure she didn't ram into me. She hugged me lightly, and as we both started to back away, I got a good look at her. Her I was swollen, and it was purple.

   "Oh my God, Sylvia, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I said. She just kind of chuckled at me.

   "Yeah, I'm good," she said. "And besides, I think we're even, considering the hole in your stomach."

   "Come on," Lyle said. "I've got a surprise." He looked at me and smiled. "C.J., have you ever watched The Lion King?" he asked me.

   "Um… nope, never heard of it," l said.

   "Good," he said as he swung open the door to a lounge type area. I saw two bowls of popcorn, a couple of blankets, and a movie on the table which I assumed was Lion King. "Because we are about to."

   We sat down and started eating popcorn. We got about halfway through the movie when I realized I had kind of snuggled into Lyle's chest. I didn't move away though. I liked it. He was so warm and comforting. I soon fell into a deep sleep.

          ~~~~~~Lyle's POV~~~~~~

   The movie was almost finished when I started getting tired. I had only gotten about 6 hours of sleep in the last two days. I looked down at C.J. to see her asleep . I didn't want to disturb her, so I just fell asleep there.

          ~~~~~~Sylvia's POV~~~~~~

   I hadn't heard from C.J. or Lyle in a awhile, so I went to check on them. I opened the door to the lounge. Both were sound asleep on the couch. C.J. was snuggled into Lyle's side, and he had his arm around her. Even I had to admit it was cute, but I couldn't help but laugh. I tried to be a pretty good friend, and I covered them up with a blanket and quietly walked out. No way, I was letting Lyle forget this.

   I ran to go tell Felicity. I ran into her room without knocking. Thankfully her roommate was in there. She would've flipped out. Felicity, on the other hand, was very used to me barging in.

   "Flixs, you have to see this!" I said.

   "This better be good, Sylv. I've got homework to finish."

   "Oh it is," I said. We ran down the hall to the lounge. I opened the door.

   "Oh my God," she said whispering.

   "I know right. They're so cute," I said rather loudly. Lyle's eyes fluttered opened. He almost jumped when he saw us.

   "What are you guys doing in here?" he whispered angrily.

   "Hey, I just came to see my baby brother and his new girlfriend," She said.

   "Well, if you haven't noticed my "girlfriend" is sleeping, and I can almost bet you money that she is as tired as I am. So can you give me hell about this tomorrow?" he said. I could tell he was serious and so could Felicity.

   "Okay, okay, we're leaving," I said, and we left them to their movie night.



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