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          ~~~~~~C.J.'s POV~~~~~~

   It was a month later and everything had finally calmed down. School had ended about a week ago, and Lyle and I were sitting in the living room.

   "What do you think he's doing right now?" C.J. asked him. "My father, I mean."

   "God knows," Lyle replied. "But whenever he comes we'll be ready."

   As C.J. leaned into Lyle's chest he noticed that she was messing around with the cast on her arm.

   "You really hate that thing, don't you?" He said with a laugh.

   "Gee, how'd you guess," she said rolling her eyes

   Suddenly, C.J. started sniffing around, and then she sat up.

   "What is it?" Lyle asked standing up with her. Sure enough Jean walked in along with most of the X-Men.

   "You getting what I'm getting?" She asked Jean.

   "Yes, they're about two miles out," she said. "It's time."

   "I'll get, Domino," Lyle said running off.

   "C.J.," Logan said getting the girl's attention. "You're coming with me."

   And just like that they were all in position to handle Sabertooth and his army.






   As Sabertooth approached the school, Domino walked out with C.J.

   "So have you to come to beg your way back into Stryker's circle," asked Sabertooth with a smirk.

   "As a matter-a-fact," C.J. replied back.

   "You've got a lot of a butt kissing to do.. and not just to him but to me,"

   "Don't flatter yourself," Domino shot back. "We've gt the X-Men to believe we're on their side."

   "Well then, come on. I'd love to see Stryker tear you limb from limb for running in the first place, Cougar," he said closer to C.J.

   "Actually, I'm not going anywhere, Sabertooth," she replied standing her ground. "Tell Stryker that I'll be staying here as a double agent. And before you point out Stryker's obvious distrust, Domino will be keeping me in check."

   Sabertooth raised an eyebrow. "If you haven't noticed, Princess, Domino here is also a dirty traitor," he stated giving Domino a growl.

   "Watch it, Victor. That was my fault. It was their stupid telepath," she explained rolling her eyes.

   "Fine," he said. "EVERYONE FALL BACK! and Cougar ," he said turning back around and walking up to her. "You should know that my daughter is a much better lier than you are."

   Both Domino's and 'C.J.'s' eyes widened in surprise, and before they could tell what was happening 'C.J.' was lying on the ground unconscious. Only then could Sabertooth see who it really was as te person who was posing as C.J. morph into Lyle. Domino reached to grab her gun, but when she looked up all she saw was a fist coming at her then she too was unconscious.


   Ahhhh!!! Cliffhanger!!!

Also I want to thank all the people out there who have read my book. Over 600!!!! Thank you guys so so so much!!!

And to all you guys that have enjoyed this story, I'M SOOOOO SORRY!!! I mean really, I deserve to be thrown out of a moving car window for making you wait this long. It was only supposed to be like a one or two week break, but then I literally could not figure out what to write so I just put in off more and more. What's even worse is that this isn't even a long chapter, but bare with me another chaper will be posted soon.


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