A Princess and Her Kiss

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All the fighters in the training area fell silent, enthralled by the beautiful lunar princess that graced their presence. She wore a rather revealing outfit, leaving almost nothing to their imaginations, and she was not ashamed of it. As she approached the two men, one of the Martian men was bold enough to grope her. As a result, Selenity grabbed him by the arm and flipped him over her shoulder. He landed on his feet, but he took a knee to the gut and fell to the floor. The men that had surrounded her gave her space. The princess looked at the fallen warrior and cocked a silver eyebrow.

“That’ll teach you to touch someone who will never be yours.”

Selenity turned to the two Earth warriors, who had very amused expressions on their faces. She was quite taken with the two of them. It was clear to her that they were brothers since they shared similar features. The one thing that she definitely liked about them was their blatant disrespect towards Solaris. She gave them a small smirk as she joined their little group, realizing that there was the young Mercurian from the previous year.

“Pay Solaris no mind.” The lady warrior said. “He’s nothing more than arrogant king that deserves a good beating.”

“But my lady…” Blue protested.

“Please,” She interrupted. “All of you may call me Selenity.”

Blue was shocked. Only those the princess favored were allowed to call her by her name. Jake and Will didn’t understand and the princess filled them in, finding Blue’s shock rather adorable.

“Let’s just say that it’s a high privilege here among my kind.” She said.


“I couldn’t help but overhear that you were trying to impress someone, Blue.”

“Ahh…ahh…” Blue stuttered.

Selenity giggled. She reassured him that he would do fine and even if he didn’t get very far, she was sure that the girl back home would be rather impressed. If she wasn’t, then she would go over there and knock some sense into her for not noticing a handsome young man. The young Mercurian was blushing by the time the warrior princess finished.

“So, you two are from Earth. Why, if I may ask, are you participating?”

“Our leader, bless his brain, wanted to prove that humans were a powerful race.” Will replied.

“So he drafted us, along with a few others.” Jake finished.

“I see.”

The young woman felt that these Earth warriors would be in the finals. Solaris, no doubt, would be there as well but she felt that one of these two would overpower him and give him the beating that he deserved. So, as custom allowed her, she gave the two warriors a kiss on their clean-cut faces. Kisses were always given to potential winners of the tournament as motivation. Selenity’s three older sisters, who were now married, had done this in the past. Despite their military discipline, faint blushes appeared on the men’s faces.

“I think I’ll let Blue fill you in. I’ve a jealous warrior to tend to.” Selene said, smirking. “Until then, fine warriors.”

The lunar princess bounced off to see Solaris, who was grinding his teeth.

“Well, Blue? Care to fill us in?” Jake asked.

The teenager launched into an explanation of lunarian customs.

A Warrior Princess, SelenityWhere stories live. Discover now