Will Vs. Solaris

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Selenity glowered at a triumphant Solaris as she tended to a critically injured Blue. The boy, in spite of his training with the Earth warriors, had been brutally beaten by the king of the sun. He was unconscious, but he was breathing. He suffered a broken leg that his opponent intentionally stepped on and a broken arm that was also stomped on. Solaris had picked the boy up by his neck and would have broken it had the warrior princess not stepped in and stopped the fight. She put a knife to the king’s neck and gave him a strict a warning about killing opponents.

“I should have decapitated you when I had the chance.” Selenity said.

Will and Jake quickly joined the warrior princess and they were just as angry as she was. They had all grown to treat him like a younger brother and when a member of their clan was harmed, everyone took it rather personally. Selenity placed a sleep spell on the boy. He would feel no pain if he was asleep.

“I’ll see you in the arena.” Will growled.

“You bet.” Solaris replied with a smirk.

He walked away towards the common area to await his match with the younger Willis brother. The two men immediately turned their attention to their fallen comrade. They helped Selenity transport him to the medical wing.

“You better win for Blue’s sake, little brother.” Jake said seriously.

“Have I ever let you down? No one hurts a brother of mine and gets away with it.”

Selenity placed a tender kiss on the Mercurian’s forehead, as a loving mother would for her child. He was just so young. He didn’t deserve Solaris’s wrath. He had nothing to do with her, unless...The princess frowned at the very thought that came next and it disgusted her.

“Solaris beat him because of your association with me.” She said.

“What’s that?” Jake asked.

“He’s trying to even the score by attacking Blue. He’s jealous of the two of you.”

Will’s demeanor darkened. He would not allow the solar king to get away with his crime without pain.


“Get up, Solaris!” Will screamed.

The king of the sun was down on his knees and breathing hard. He did not expect a serious beating from the Earth warrior. He slowly got back up, determined to continue his fight. He had long since abandoned his sword and resorted to his fists. Will was no worse for the wear. He had sustained some heavy damage himself from his opponent. His left arm was broken and he had a few broken ribs. He was barely standing but the adrenaline and his hatred for the solar king was what kept him fighting.

Jake was worried for his brother and so was Selenity. She had prepared a special healing session for him. It required most of her moon magic, but she didn’t care. She loved Will just as much as his brother and she couldn’t bear it if Solaris had killed him and then there was the sweet Mercurian, Blue. He was a dear and it angered her that Solaris had involved him in his quest for blood.

Come on, Will. She thought. You can do it.

“I think this might end in a draw.” Jake said. “What will happen then?”

Selenity looked to her father, who had seen a few draws occur in previous tournaments. In the case of a draw, he explained, the two fighters would have to fight again (due to a last-minute withdrawal in this particular tournament) and the winner of that fight would face the third fighter, which would be Jake. Then that fight would be for the title and for Selenity hand in marriage. Solaris heard the king's explanation.

“I’ve a better idea, old man!” Solaris shouted out.

“What is it?” The moon king asked.

“Why don’t we have a battle royal? It’ll be an all-out battle between the two Earth warriors and myself. Whoever is the victor of the free-for-all is the champion.”

The warrior princess looked at her father with wide eyes. It was clear that he was seriously considering the idea.

“Very well.”

Solaris smirked before he collapsed from exhaustion. Will collapsed right afterwards. Jake and Selenity rushed to the younger Willis. The solar king’s soldiers tended to him and carried him off to the medical wing.

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