Super Strength Origins

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Jake returned to the commons area within the arena, ignoring all of the heckling he received from other men. Blue and Will approached him with proud smiles on their faces. The ex-military commander returned the smiles with a small one of his own. A few other Mercurians approached the group, too, with awed looks and congratulations to Blue and Jake.

“I guess Earth has produced some good warriors.”

“You’re too kind.” Jake replied.

He looked over at Will, who just rolled his eyes. None of the Mercurians noticed this exchange, unknowing of the true origin of their strength. They were still in awe of the powerful humans that walked among them. Blue credited his new found strength to his new found human friends, who, in turn, tried to credit his desire to become stronger as the source of his strength. Blue blushed in embarrassment.

“Well done,” A familiar voice chimed in.

The warriors turned to find Selenity standing there. The Mercurians quickly bowed to her and pardoned themselves from the group. The warrior princess asked Blue about his Mercurian girl back home. He blushed and smiled goofily as he spoke of her and their growing fondness for each other.

“Well, I’m glad she’s noticed you.” Selenity said sincerely.

“Ahh…thank you.” Blue said shyly.

The warrior princess then turned her blue eyes onto Jake and Will. Blue suddenly excused himself, saying that he did want to speak with his new found love. She made him promise that if he won his fight that he would call her. The teen disappeared, leaving the Willis men alone with the silver-haired maiden.

“You’re so full of surprises.”

“You should see Will fight, which should be soon.” Jake said.

Before Will could say anything, the king announced the next round of fighters. Will was to go up against a Martian. Selenity gave him a peck on the lips (for good luck, she had said) before sending him out. Jake patted his brother’s shoulder as he entered the arena. The battle proved to be very interesting as the Martian managed to keep pace with Will.

“Now, watch this next move.” Jake said to the princess.

Will rapidly formed a red energy ball in the palm of his right hand and slammed it into the gut of his opponent. The Martian managed to get onto his feet and, under sheer willpower, managed to get a blow in before he, too, collapsed from being winded. Selenity was surprised and pleased, as was Jake, at the same time.

“I had no idea humans had such capabilities.” She said.

“They don’t. Will and I are the only ones that have such abilities.”

At intermission, Jake, Will, and Selenity met in her private bedchambers and the primary conversation focused on the two brothers. Jake started the discussion with how they became experiments for their government. They were selected by the Pentagon to undergo genetic enhancements. Of course, this was done without their consent but it ended up being worth it and, plus, they were compensated with a pay raise and a promotion (respectively) to Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel.

“What happened to the other experiments?” Selenity asked.

“No one knows.” Will replied. “Not even us.”

The warrior princess wondered why such a government would do that to its own people. It was a horrible thought. She decided to put that off and focus on healing the two men. She instructed Will to have a hot, soothing bath in her bath chamber. He went straight for it, but not without asking if she would join him later. Selenity simply winked and gave him a vague reply, hinting that she might join him. Will simply shrugged and disappeared for his therapy.

“And you,” She said to Jake. “On your stomach. It’s time for a back massage.”

“Yes, my lady.” He replied with a smirk.


Solaris decided to check the tournament roster for the next few rounds. He knew that he was scheduled to fight very soon. He hoped that he got one of the two Earth warriors so he could show them who was more dominant and who was more worthy of Princess Selenity’s heart. To his disappointment, he got the little Mercurian boy that had been associating with the two Earth warriors instead. However, whoever won this round would go on to face the blonde Earth warrior. A wicked smirk formed on his face. He would be delivering lots of bone-crunching pain.

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