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Jake Willis had been forced to participate in the tournament of warriors on the moon by none other than the president of the United States. He wanted to find the strongest fighters in the nation and show the moon king that the Earth had strong warriors, too. The warrior thought the president was only doing this because he was miffed that he didn’t get to build a moon colony there. Personally, the money that had been set aside for that particular project should have rightfully gone back to repaying those who lost their houses to the corrupt banks, like Bank of America and JP Morgan. The president obviously didn’t think so since most of the money went back into the government, easing up on the national debt. Jake’s only consolation was that Bank of America and JP Morgan no longer existed. His brother, Will, had built a bank so stable and a reliable staff that he forced the two formerly major banks out of business.

“Your time as an Air Force commander paid off, little brother.” Jake had said.

Will had also been drafted into the tournament, by order of the president, and he was willing to leave his lucrative company to the hands of his vice president—who was another member of the military. He shared the same jade green eyes as his older brother and the same light tan skin. They shared the same body build and both stood at about six feet tall right on the dot. The only difference between the two men was that Will had brown hair and Jake had black; otherwise they would have passed off for twins (Jake was a year older than Will). Will was also a little more easygoing than his brother and didn't take things very seriously, often looking for things to make fun of.

“Did you see those blue eyes of that princess?” Will asked his brother.

Jake nodded. He had been haunted by those eyes of hers. Although he barely had any interest in women—which earned him some rather inappropriate jokes from Will—this woman was quite different. She was rather mysterious and held an air of elegance and refinement. However, he didn’t let himself to even imagine of meeting her, let alone being with her. She was a princess and he was just some ex-military commander, much like his brother, from Earth with no place in lunarian society. He had heard that some people from Earth made their home here, but they weren’t regarded too highly. They were treated civilly, yes, but they weren’t regarded as a superior race in the universe, which was something that the president wanted to disprove.

“She’s pretty cute.” Will continued. “Too bad she’s royalty.”

The older brother said nothing. Cute wasn’t the word he would describe the young woman. Beautiful, elegant, and stately was how he would describe her. She stood tall and proud by her father and her blue eyes held something fierce. Well, she was a warrior princess and she was clearly trained to hold such ferocity. When those blue eyes fell on him, he felt like they had pierced his very soul and it seemed that they awakened something in him that he had never felt before. If she had lived on Earth, she would have made a fine military officer. Jake then shook his head. He had to focus on the tournament.

A Warrior Princess, SelenityWhere stories live. Discover now