•Chapter 10•

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"D-Did you jack off to me jacking off?!"

My eyes widened and I felt my skin begin to feel itchy again. Begging to be washed and scrubbed.

"G-Get out..." I said with a low quiet voice.

"But Ash I-"

"I said get out alright!"

I felt Eiji's body tense behind me then he slowly got up and walked towards the bathroom door, picking up my spoiled sweatpants on the way.

He took one last look at me before he left, closing the door a little hard so it kind of slammed.

That did it. I was now sobbing again as I turned on the shower head. Letting my now damp clothes get completely drenched again.

But no matter how hard I scrub, the dirt never leaves. I still feel dirty.

Eiji POV

I stood up and grabbed Ash's sweatpants off the floor so I could wash them later. I turned around one last time before leaving but Ash's eyes were cold telling me to turn around and keep walking.

I closed the door a little harder than I ment to and it slammed. God I hope he didn't think I did that on purpose. I wanted to apologize but I was honestly scared of how he'd react if I went back inside that bathroom.

I sat on our bed staring out the window onto the busy people always rushing to be somewhere. Then I heard the shower turn on and quiet sobs like from this morning could be heard faintly.

God this sucked. I'm such a bad boyfriend. I can't even cheer my own partner up when he needs it. 

I lay there for about twenty more minutes before Ash comes out the bathroom with a  soaked shirt and boxers. He doesn't even look at me, grabs some jeans and a tank top, and leaves. 

I sigh feeling hopeless as I flop back onto onto the bed.


I pull my ripped blue jeans over my wet boxers as I exit the bedroom. It's not the best feeling but I didn't have enough energy to care. I pull off my wet t-shirt and replace it with a black tank top discarding the wet fabric onto the floor. 

I leave the apartment and just start walking. I feel like a zombie. My muscle memory kicks in and brings me to Max's apartment without me even realizing I crossed the street. I take the elevator to his floor and knock on his door. Max looks like he's been up for a while even though it's only 10AM.

Usually I'd still be asleep by now.

"Hey Ash, What are you doing here this early. And why is your hair wet?"



"Can I spend the night here?"

Max looked taken aback. "What? Why? Did you and Eiji get into a fight or something?"

"Max I'd rather not talk about it right now. I know you're trying this whole therapist thing out but don't test it on me alright."

"Okay understood. Jeez I was just asking. Sorry if I was being nosy."

Eiji POV

It's been four hours and Ash still isn't back yet. I'm starting to get worried so I get dressed and head out onto the streets.

I first check out the gang hangout but they said Ash hasn't come in at all today. I then went to the Public Library but he wasn't there either. He could only be at one other possible place.

Max's place.

When I reach his apartment I knocked on the door loud enough for Max to hear if he was sleeping. I probably sounded like I was trying to break in.

I heard shuffling behind the door before it opened. Max was in the other side not looking surprised that I was here.


I have so many tests this week I just want to crawl in a ditch rn.

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