(A/N: Aunt May was injuried in a car crash, She survived, but she's in the hospital getting better so she said that Tony should adopt Peter and he did, so Peter lives at the compound)
Sam Wilson And Bucky Barnes loved pulling pranks on each other. Loki loved to join in on a side sometimes and help with pranks along the way. All of the Avengers helped except for Steve who couldn't choose between his boyfriend or his best friend, but he would sometimes secretly help without anyone knowing. And another who never got involved was Peter. Until one faithful day when Bucky was taking a nap because he had fallen asleep while watching a movie with Steve the night before. Sam who saw this knew that he needed help pulling this prank, he just had to figure out who could help him. He looked around and saw that the only one nearby was Peter, who was always an early bird weekends for some reason.
"Hey, Peter." Sam greeted.
"Hi, Uncle Sam!" Peter greeted.
"Wanna help me wake up Bucky?" Sam said handing Peter cymbals.
Peter frowned. "I don't think that he'll like that Uncle Sam."
"Oh no, he does."
"How do you know?"
"He told me earlier," Sam lied. He knew that Peter wouldn't help him with the prank unless he thought that Bucky wanted to be woken up. "He was all like 'Sam get someone to wake me up with cymbals' earlier."
"I guess, if he wants to be woken up." Peter said taking the cymbals.
"And he does," Sam said inwardly smirking. "I promise."
"Okay!" Peter returned to his cheery tone and Sam almost felt bad for dragging him into this. Almost.
Peter crept up behind the couch with Bucky peacefully sleeping on it and asked one more time "And you're sure that Uncle Bucky wants to be woken up this way?"
"Okay." Peter said then proceeded to bang the cymbals together until one of the plates fell off like in that one vine and Bucky, who was already awake since the third crashing was about to scream a million bad language words when Tony beat him to screaming.
"LANGUAGE!" Steve yelled as all the Avengers entered the living room to see Peter with a cymbal in one hand and the handle of a cymbal in the other hand.
"Peter, why did you just wake up Bucky with cymbals?" Steve asked gesturing to his boyfriend behind Peter.
"Uncle Sam told me to." Peter replied.
"What?" The Avengers chorused.
"He told me that Uncle Bucky wanted to be woken up like this," Peter explained and then tilted his head in confusion. "Did he not want to?"
"I AM GOING TO MURDER YOU SAM WILSON!!!" Bucky hollered before chasing the Falcon out of the room. The Avengers were laughing at the situation. The White Wolf chasing the Falcon seemed like a funny and realistic situation at the time.
"I'm guessing that he didn't want to be woken up with cymbals." Peter stated.
"Kid," Tony said placing his hand on Peter's shoulder. "No one wants to be woken up by cymbals, no one."
Peter opened his mouth to respond when Sam came running back into the room and proceeded to use Peter as a human shield from Bucky. "You wouldn't hurt Peter, would you?!" Sam hollered leaving shocked Avengers and a confused Peter. 'What does that mean?' Was Peter's only thought as the rest of the Avengers were wondering what Bucky's next move would be.
"You're right I won't." Bucky said and when Sam was about to come out from behind his human shield Bucky proceeded to grab Peter and lightly shove him in front of Tony. And when Sam tried to run Bucky tackled him and continued to punch Sam with his metal arm.
"Go for the jaw!" Clint yelled taking an interest into the fight before him.
"Now go for the stomach!" Tony suggested also taking an interest in the scene before him. Tony's hands were placed on Peter's shoulders. Peter, was staring at the scene in horror forgetting that Bucky said that he wouldn't hurt Peter earlier and was just repeating over and over again in his mind 'What's Bucky going to do to me? What's Bucky going to do to me? AHHHHHH! Should I run? No, that won't help. Uncle Sam ran and look what's happening to him.'
"Stab him!" Loki yelled and everyone looked at him. "What?"
"Do that thing in movies where they jump up and use their elbow to slam down on the person!" Rhodey joined in. Wanda, Bruce, and Natasha simply rolled their eyes at the childish behavior from their friends. Bucky, actually decided to listen to what Rhodey had suggested earning an 'ooohhh that must have hurt' from all the Avengers watching, except for Peter.
After five more minutes of punching Sam and a Steve having to physically pry him off, Bucky finally finished beating up the fellow Avengers. Bucky then made his way to Peter and Peter still being absolutely terrified flinched and gulped.
"I-I'm s-sorry about w-waking you u-up." Peter spoke his voice quivering. Though Bucky tended to hate it when people were afraid of him, Bucky smiled thinking that it was adorable how Tony's child was frightened and honestly thought that Bucky was going to hurt the precious child in front of him. Tony squeezed Peter's shoulders trying to convey the message that Peter was going to be fine, but Peter simply felt that this was an easier way for Bucky to punch him.
Bucky simply raised his hand, causing Peter to flinch, yet again and ruffled Peter's hair. "Nice prank, kid."
These actions left Peter in utter confusion. 'Why didn't he punch me? Not that I wanted him to, but Sam didn't even do anything and Bucky almost beat him to death. Or at least it looks like Bucky almost beat him to death. Sam should probably go and get that checked out.' But all Peter said was "T-thanks? And I promise that won't pull it again. Sorry that I did in the first place."
"It's alright." Bucky said then walked over to Steve who started scolding Bucky on knowing when to stop throwing punches at your friends.
"Well kid, I don't know about you but I think that we should go out for breakfast." Tony stated.
"Where do you want to go?" Bruce asked causing all the Avengers to look at Peter.
Once Peter realized that all the Avengers were looking at him he looked at Sam, checking if he was conscious and thankfully Sam was. "Hey Uncle Sam where do you want to go for breakfast?"
"Why are you asking him?" Wanda asked tilting her head in confusion.
"Well, he was just beat up by a guy who had a metal arm, so I think he deserves to pick where to go." Peter responded causing the Avengers to smile fondly at his kindness.
"Okay, Sam where do you want to go?" Steve asked, wrapping his arm around Bucky's waist.
"Friendly's." Sam groaned.
"Friendly's it is!" Tony exclaimed.
"Sam should probably go to the med bay first though." Peter stated.