Chapter 33

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There was a brief silence follow by awkward laugh between Kingsley and I.

"Let's just hide the alcohol." I said as I walked towards the door.

"Sure." Kingsley said as he followed behind me. We hid the alcohol underneath my bed. Stacy will start drinking if she finds any alcohol near her.

Kingsley made himself home as he put his feet on the table while sitting on the couch and while watching some game.

Oliver was with me in the open kitchen preparing snacks  and complaining how Kingsley is sitting way too comfortably in the couch.

"He can sit however he wants, Oliver." I said. "You can sit that way if you want to make yourself comfortable too."

Oliver just pouted after that.

Caitlin came soon, looking exhausted as I handed her a bottle of water and she looked at me with appreciation.

"How was the meeting?" I asked. Caitlin went to attend some meetings for me and I felt guilty about it most of the times as she have to deal with not so nice people, but hey, she have her own assistant who help her deal now.

"The old man was way too uptight and couldn't hold his excitement to work with you."

I nodded my head. "Sure. Dylan called you?" I asked.

"He said, it is in Oliver's place." Caitlin said looking at Oliver and I looked at him with a question look.

"You did not."

"I just did." He grinned. "Just change of venue." He shrugged. "It will be great!"

"Show off?" Caitlin teased.

"What are you guys talking about?" Kingsley asked as he switched off the TV and walked towards where we all were standing.

"None of your concern." Oliver said with a sweet smile.

"You should invite him too." I tell Oliver.

"So he can sit and flirt with you? Sure." He said while rolling his eyes.

"Pretty please!" I whined at Oliver and he shake his head, no and I pouted. "pretty please."

"Baby, you are so adorable. I was actually going to invite him, so I can keep an eye on him."

I scoffed and Kingsley still looked lost as ever.

"Picnic tomorrow, nice weather." I said. "His place."

"Sure?" Kingsley said scratching his neck.

"No forcing, don't want to come, don't. I will be the happiest." Oliver said. "Less work for me."

Kingsley grinned. "Then I will definitely come to give you more work."

"You two get along so well." I said.

"We do not!" They both said in unison.

"I believe so too." Caitlin agreed. "Where is Mia and Stacy?"

"Mia is in the library for school's group work, will be home no later than 7 pm and Stacy most probably is dealing with customers."

"Why are we gathered today in the first place?" Oliver asked casually.

"I don't know?" Caitlin said.

"Me too." I said.

"I thought of spending more time with Liana." Kingsley smiled at me.

"Don't look at my girlfriend like you adore here."

"I do." Kingsley looked at Oliver with a grinned. "Can't help it."

Kingsley's straightforwardness when it comes to sharing his feelings is way too uncomfortable at the moment. It is like he is asking for a physical fight with Oliver, I won't be surprise that by the end of tonight, they will pounce on each other and end up with bruises, that thought made me winced internally.

"Jeez, can we all try to get along?." I said to them.

"We are trying here, well, at least I am." Oliver said. "He needs to learn his place."

"Sure, after you put me to my spot."

Now, I was really uncomfortable, but when the bell rang. I was hoping it was Stacy who is the liveliest among all of us.

She was loud and talking to someone and when I opened the door, I see Jason and Grayson? Oliver's best friend, who also works with him along with his brother.

"Are we having some reunion, or what?" I asked excitedly.

"Surprise!" Grayson yelled as he walked in and give me a hug.

"It's been so long." I said to him. "How have you been doing?"

"Doing just fine. Oliver thought it would be great if Jason and I came here for sometime."

"For sometime? How long?" I asked hopeful. "We can definitely do a vacation- city tour."

Grayson grinned, "now, that was what I am thrilled about, where is Mia?"

"School work, she will be thrilled." I said.

"No alcohol?" Stacy asked.

"I thought you said you were not drinking after yesterday?" Caitlin said raising an eyebrow.

"We have special guests over, we need to celebrate."

"We don't need alcohol to celebrate." Jason said.

Stacy looked at him like he have grown two heads all of a sudden while Jason grinned. "We are all here, except Mia, we can have fun without alcohol."

"Exactly, why get wasted?" Grayson said.

"Wine?" I asked as I opened the mini- bar fridge.

"Heck yeah." Stacy said as she cheered and walked to the fridge with excitements.

Mia soon came in, the look on her face when she saw Grayson was beyond explanatory.

"Miss me?" Grayson asked as he walked towards her and hugged her tight. "I missed you so much." And to our surprise they kissed.

"What the f**k?" Stacy said out loud the thing that was all in our mind.

"Is this where we are suppose to be cheering for them?" Kingsley asked. "Why are you guys so surprise?"

We all looked at Kingsley and then burst our laughing, exactly, why are we all so surprise. We all should have seen this coming.

"You two should be glad that I am here." He teased Mia and Grayson.

"But who are you?" Grayson asked narrowing his eyes at him.

"You two are brothers, ain't you?" Kingsley asked Oliver. "You two seem to want to bury me with the looks." He said rolling his eyes.

Before Oliver can comment something back, Stacy screamed, "Party time!" As she poured the wines to the glasses.

"To us." Oliver said as we clinked our glasses. "I want to take you out on a date with me."

"When?" I whispered.

"Next week." He said. "Clear your calendar for me?"

"Always." I said

He smiled and kissed my forehead as we both turned towards our friends who became our family, somehow. They were bickering about something not so important, but there was excitement clear in everyone's eyes and for once after a long time, I thought this is perfect, little did I know someone was coming after me.

Author's Note: Thank you everyone for Voting for the books, your support is so incredible. Please share this book with other readers, Next update is tomorrow. Once the book hit 2k there will be a bonus chapter. Thank you once again for all your supports! Happy readings!

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