Chapter 62- The End

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Saturday, went smoothly, as Oliver and I never had a free time alone because of my family coming over. The space between us grew a little more and he knows I was a little upset with him. Before leaving, he said he will meet me tomorrow at his house around 6:30 pm and I asked him what about tomorrow morning or afternoon? Are we not hanging out together and his answered made me more upset as he said he had to do something. Mia and I went to get our hair and nails done the next day for the party. Oliver said, it is just families and close friends and I was more than happy to learn about that. Oliver was nice enough to have a dress ready for me and said that he was sorry for not informing me.

The house looked beautiful, there was lights. It was fancy, really fancy. There was red carpet, there was decorations and I see servers walking around and most surprisingly I see Oliver's whole family in the house. Stacy and Jason was here too. Oliver was no where to be seen, I see some unfamiliar faces and assume it is from his family side, everyone was dressed formally. I greeted his family and asked about Oliver, but all I got was a smile.

Grayson just shrugged and said he doesn't know either, Oliver did not contact me either the whole day, which is so rare and weird at the same time. We send lots if texts to each other, usually and my heart felt so much heavier. As I was talking to one of his cousin, the light went off and the spotlight went to a large screen and the video started with

To: My love, Liana.

And Oliver's face was on the screen. He was in a classic tuxedo and his hand was behind,but he was grinning on the camera. Lillian put her hand on my shoulder and smiled. I was confused.

Oliver started speaking and I can see in the background of his was the places we met, the places we went and hang out together.

"Liana Parker." He started. "How do I even start?" He turned serious. "Meeting you was a blessing and having you love me back is another big blessing.I am so grateful that we met that night. Although you didn't remember me." I heard chuckles around me.

"Really?" I heard Lillian question someone.

"I am so glad that Jason was able to do something to bring us together, so Jason, my boy. I love you for bringing Liana and I together. We had our moments, moments of ups and downs and moments where we learnt to be grateful about each other and I realized I wanted to spend my whole life with you." As he took out a bouquet of flowers from behind.

I gasped and put my hand on my mouth. "Just like how we spent our lives these few months, building and reshaping our relationship and making it work. I hope you will allow us to continue working on our relationship." He said his face so happy and so excited, "Liana Parker, my beautiful angel and girlfriend, please allow me to be part of your life for the rest of your life. I may not be the best, but I want to be the best for you. I wanted to ask you this question for a while now." And the video paused and I heard a gasped and looked around and I turned and saw him on one knees with a ring.

"Will you marry me?" He asked nervously.

Every noise in the room disappeared and I felt emotional, remembering all the ups and downs we had. Our breaks, our little fights, our reshaping and coming back. We are who we are and I am so glad that Oliver allowed me to love him and love me back the same.

"Yes." I said as I broke all the silence in the room as I watched his face broke into a grinned as he stood up and placed the ring on my finger before kissing me.

Everyone cheered and the lights turned on as he hugged me and spin me around and Tyler Shaw's, 'With You' song's chorus played behind us as flower petals was released from above us.

I started crying as I hugged him tighter. He kissed my head lightly and hugged me tighter.

"I love you, my baby." He whispered.

"I love you more." I said and sob in his arm.

"Hush baby. Don't cry, it is suppose to be a happy moment."

"I know." But I still continued to sob.

When I was much calmer, our families walked towards us and congratulated us.

"You knew about it?" I asked Stacy.

"I knew that." She said agreeing. "He told me about it." She pointed at Jason. "It was so difficult to keep that secret, I almost lost it when you called to complained that how Oliver was very distracted with his phone." She laughed. "He was actually planning everything for two months."

My mouth dropped open, "No way." I said.

"You heard it right, he kept changing the idea and said he wanted a perfect one." Jason said rolling his eyes and Stacy smacked him, lightly.

"He is so cheesy." Stacy squealed.

"I am cheesy too." Jason said, pouting.

"Sure." Stacy said and grinned.

Oliver came to my side and grinned at me. "You are going to be my wife, soon." He said excitedly. "I am so so excited for our wedding."

I smiled at him.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you more." He said.

"No, I love you more." I corrected and he shake his head in disagreement.

"There we go again." I heard Stacy said.

Having someone love you back, the same way as you do is something very rare and I am so grateful, I got a chance to love and to be loved by the same person. We had ups and downs, insecurities that broke us apart, but our determination and our solutions to every problems helped us overcome and we were able to make things work. I won't say that after our marriage our relationship will be like cotton candies and chocolates,but all I know is that we can make it all work if we try.

I looked at our families and thought about how our relationship brought two different families together.

Oliver hugged me from behind as we watched our families came together in this special occasion.

"Thank you for being mine." He said and kissed the back of my head.

I turned around and looked at him. "Thank you for letting me be yours."

"Always?" He asked.


And he kissed me as the music played behind us.

Author's Note: and so they say, every beautiful thing must come to an end. I want to thank each and everyone of you, who supported me starting from my first book- "Beautiful You" I am so grateful to each and everyone of you, who was there with me since that book and who joined later. That book have officially reached 100k. It wouldn't have been possible, without your help. Thank you for voting and commenting in the chapters. Thank you for reading, "Beautiful Us' and I look forward to seeing you all again in my other books❤️ -pcyxoxo-

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