Chapter 51

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I was more than happy to go back to the office on Friday, although, it was just for lunch meeting. Oliver found out last night after he came back from office and after my family left to go visit some night views. He was not happy about it as he felt he has not prepare anything for my security, but

"Dylan is pretty good." I said.

"It's not funny,Liana." He said shaking his head and I sighed. These days, everyone seemed to be worked up and I wonder if the way I talk is offending them.

Cassidy Gray, She is young, in teens with blonde hair with the prettiest and shiniest smile sat with her manager and agency in the meeting. She knows exactly what she wants for her book cover and I see expectations in her eyes as we greeted each other. Dylan was excited to get this contract, as Cassidy is a young writer whose online books reached millions and if we get the deal and her book is published with our cover- he believe that it will attract young teenagers to look into our company's work; which I doubt, but he thinks that.

Cassidy seemed uninterested in few of our example, I can see by her facial features. Dylan wanted to show her our other best works to impress her.

"Why don't I show you what we all have been waiting for?" I interrupted and pulled out the main file for her work. She sat up straight and looked at me with hopeful eyes.

Her manager, the publisher and she nodded their head as they flipped through the many cover ideas that we could offer and it was clear that they are unsure which one to choose.

Dylan was tensed and nervous at the same time and give me a nervous glance and I nodded at him, hoping to give him encouragement.

"Your company has always been the best." Cassidy said, "I can't describe the work of the artists towards my book, I cannot believe and I don't think, I will be able to decide." She looked at her manager.

"She is right." Her manager agreed and I looked at the team members of mine, who was giving each other proud looks.

"Can we post it online and allow the fans to decide?" The publisher asked and Dylan thought for a while.

"There is always price to pay, my company had put a lot of effort and."

"We are ready to pay the price, we will buy the top three we love and ask the fans to decide and maybe we can use the other two in the movie that will be made based on this book." The manager said and Cassidy grinned.

Our meeting was very successful considering this was suppose to be the first meeting to discuss about the cover. As soon as they left, Dylan looked at me with pride and then concerned.

"Oliver told me about the incident." He started as we were left alone in the private room.

"Dylan." I started.

"I just want to let you know, that I will try as much as I can to keep you safe in the workplace too."

"I really appreciated that, but I think I should be fine." I assured him.

He just give me a weird look and nodded, "Just giving you a head start about some changes."

I give him a questioning look, to which he smiled.

"I think your boyfriend is waiting for you."

"What? Oliver is here? How do you know that?"

"I met him outside when I went to the washroom."

"I should get going? He didn't say anything to me. Thank you so much Dylan, I really appreciated your help and care."

"Always for you, Liana." He smiled as we walked out together.

Oliver was indeed waiting for me, his coffee and lunch was laid out, untouched and he seemed bored sitting in the corner. When Dylan and I approached him, his eyes turned to us and he stood up.

"See you around." Dylan said to Oliver and give him, one of his head nod and waved me goodbye.

"What are you doing here.?" I asked Oliver.

"Came to pick you up." He said, his mood was warmer than last night.

"You are pretending that last night did not happen." I said shaking my head in disbelief.

"We still have to discuss about that." He said nodding his head. "Let's go."

"Your food? The bill?" I asked as he pulled me to the exit.

"I lost my appetite while I sat there and don't worry." He said as we walked to the elevator. That's when I noticed the four securities who I have seen around in his house, in one of the table. "They are on break."

I didn't say anything as he pulled me inside the elevator. We walked across the hotel to an ice-cream store and he said, "I am craving for milkshake."

I was lost; but when I tasted the milkshake that Oliver chose for me, I knew why as it was the most delicious milkshake ever. We sat away from the large windows and in the corner of the store. He sipped his milkshake and looked at me,

"I know, yesterday I reacted badly and I wanted to apologize to you in person. After a lot of thoughts, I realized that I should have reacted in a better way."

"Agree." I said, "You can't protect me all the time."

He scowled.

"I am just stating an obvious fact, work and personal life is different."

"I can try." He said. "You are suppose to be safe in my care and I will do everything in my power to keep you safe and feel protected.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give this chapter a Vote and share this book with other readers; also I would like to thank you for reading this book. We reached 10k reads! This is insane, your supports is really appreciated. Thank you once again ❤️

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